XML file generate errors

Hello guys,

When I try to generate XML file the code give me error.

Fatal error: Uncaught exception ‘DOMException’ with message ‘Invalid Character Error’ in
C:\xampp\htdocs\invoices\Copyofgeneratorxml.php:17 Stack trace: #0
C:\xampp\htdocs\invoices\Copyofgeneratorxml.php(17): DOMDocument->createAttribute(‘Brand Name’) #1
C:\xampp\htdocs\invoices\Copyofgeneratorxml.php(128): adda() #2 {main} thrown in
C:\xampp\htdocs\invoices\Copyofgeneratorxml.php on line 17

This is my code:

<?php function add($doc, $parent, $key, $value) { $attr = $parent->appendChild($doc->createAttribute($key)); $attr->appendChild($doc->createTextNode($value)); } function adda($doc, $parent, $array) { foreach ($array as $key=>$value) { $attr = $parent->appendChild($doc->createAttribute($key)); $attr->appendChild($doc->createTextNode($value)); } } set_time_limit(9600); //error_reporting(0); // Includes include("include/numbertotext.php"); include("include/html_to_doc.inc.php"); include("list.php"); include("config/db.php"); // Variables $document_id = $_REQUEST['document_id']; $division = $_REQUEST['division']; $iss_to = $_REQUEST['iss_to']; $iss_by = $_REQUEST['iss_by']; if ($iss_by == "1 bb.txt") { $hotel = "bb"; } if ($iss_by == "2 aa.txt") { $hotel = "aa"; } //$iss_to = file_get_contents("issuers/$iss_to"); //$iss_by = file_get_contents("issuers/$iss_by"); //$iss_to = nl2br($iss_to); //$iss_by = nl2br($iss_by); $d_iss_to = explode('
',"$iss_to"); $d_iss_by = explode('
',"$iss_by"); $rep = $_REQUEST['rep']; $contribution = $_REQUEST['contribution']; $database = $_REQUEST['database']; if ($database == 1) { $ibase_host='888'; } if ($database == 2) { $ibase_host='888'; } if ($database == 3) { $ibase_host='888'; } if ($database == 4) { $ibase_host='888'; } if ($database == 5) { $ibase_host='888b'; } $type_document = $_REQUEST['type_document']; if ($type_document == 1) { $type_document="Debit_Invoice" ; } if ($type_document == 2) { $type_document="CreditInvoice" ; } $brand_name = $_REQUEST['brand_name']; if ($brand_name == 1) { $brand_name="***" ; } if ($brand_name == 2) { $brand_name="*****" ; } //Functions insert_db($document_id,$division,$ibase_host,$type_document,$brand_name); //Get Document Main Values $query = "SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE doc_num = $document_id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $main_doc_date = $row['doc_date']; $arrival = $row['arrival']; } function approx( $value, $dec = 2 ) { $value += 0.0; $unit = floor( $value * pow( 10, $dec + 1 ) ) / 10; $round = round( $unit ); return $round / pow( 10, $dec ); } //ob_start(); $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->formatOutput = true; $invoice = $doc->createElement( "Invoice" ); $doc->appendChild($invoice); $header = $doc->createElement( "Header" ); $invoice->appendChild($header); adda($doc, $header, array( "Ref" => $document_id, "Type" => $type_document, "Date" => $main_doc_date, "Currency" => "EUR", "TaxIncluded" => "true", "OnlyArchive" => "false" )); $supplier = $doc->createElement( "Supplier" ); $invoice->appendChild($supplier); adda($doc, $supplier, array( "SupplierID" => "***", "Company" => "***", "TaxID" => "***", "Address" => "***", "City" => "***", "ZIP" => "***", "Country" => "***" )); $client = $doc->createElement( "Client" ); $invoice->appendChild($client); adda($doc, $client, array( "ClientID" => "***", "Brand Name" => $brand_name, "TaxID" => "***", "Address" => "***", "City" => "***", "ZIP" => "***", "Country" => "***" )); $lineItems = $doc->createElement( "LineItems" ); $invoice->appendChild($lineItems); $query = "SELECT distinct vaucher_num FROM invoices WHERE doc_num = $document_id"; $result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $select_num = $row['vaucher_num']; $query4 = "SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE doc_num = '$document_id' AND vaucher_num = '$select_num'"; $result4 = mysql_query($query4) or die('Query failed : ' . mysql_error()); while ($row4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $vaucher_num = $row4['vaucher_num']; $titular_name = $row4['titular_name']; $departure = $row4['departure']; $adults = $row4['adult_count']; $children = $row4['child_count']; $cf = 0; $total_cf = 0; } $total_adults = $total_adults + $adults; $total_children = $total_children + $children; $total_price = 0; $nights = 0; $query3 = "SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE doc_num = $document_id AND vaucher_num='$vaucher_num'"; $result3 = mysql_query($query3) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $qty = $row3['qty']; $price_c = $row3['price']; $tot_price = $qty * $price_c; $total_price = $total_price + $tot_price / $division; $total_price=number_format($total_price, 2, '.', ''); $t_pr = $t_pr + $total_price; $nights++; } $total_nights = $total_nights + $nights; $total = 0; $query1 = "SELECT distinct line_name,qty,price FROM invoices WHERE doc_num = $document_id AND vaucher_num= '$vaucher_num'"; $result1 = mysql_query($query1) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $line_name = $row1['line_name']; $price = $row1['price']; $qty = 0; $query2 = "SELECT * FROM invoices WHERE doc_num = '$document_id' AND vaucher_num='$vaucher_num' AND line_name='$line_name' AND price = $price"; $result2 = mysql_query($query2) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error()); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $qty = $qty + $row2['qty']; } $price = $price / $division; $price=number_format($price, 2, '.', ''); $total = $qty * $price; $total = approx($total); //$total=number_format($total, 2, '.', ''); // 1st Price $price=number_format($price, 2, '.', ''); $grand_total = $grand_total + $total; //$grand_total=number_format($grand_total, 2, '.', ''); $item = $doc->createElement( "Item" ); $lineItems->appendChild($item); adda($doc, $item, array( "ClientBookingRef" => $vaucher_num, "Quantity" => $qty, "UnitPrice" => $price, "GrossTotal" => $total, "LineTotal" => $total - $total * ( ( $rep + $contribution ) / 100 ) )); $lineDiscounts = $doc->createElement( "LineDiscounts" ); $item->appendChild($lineDiscounts); if ($rep > 0) { $discount1 = $doc->createElement( "Discount" ); adda($doc, $discount1, array( "Type" => "REP", "Rate" => $rep, "Amount" => $total * ($rep / 100) )); $lineDiscounts->appendChild($discount1); } if ($contribution > 0) { $discount2 = $doc->createElement( "Discount" ); adda($doc, $discount2, array( "Type" => "Contribution", "Rate" => $contribution, "Amount" => $total * ($contribution / 100) )); $lineDiscounts->appendChild($discount2); } $LineTaxes = $doc->createElement( "LineTaxes" ); $item->appendChild($LineTaxes); $Taxes = $doc->createElement ( "Taxes" ); $LineTaxes->appendChild($Taxes); adda($doc, $Taxes, array ( "Type" => "VAT", "TaxebleAmount" => "0.00", "Rate" => "0.00", "Amount" => "0.00" )); $serviceData = $doc->createElement( "ServicesData" ); $item->appendChild($serviceData); $service = $doc->createElement( "Service" ); $serviceData->appendChild($service); adda($doc, $service, array( "PaxLeader" => $titular_name, "PaxNumber" => $adults + $children, "AdultsNumber" => $adults, "KidsNumber" => $children, "BeginDate" => $arrival, "EndDate" => $departure, "RoomCategory" => $line_name )); } } $totalSummary = $doc->createElement( "TotalSummary" ); $invoice->appendChild($totalSummary); $_discounts = $grand_total * (( $rep + $contribution ) / 100); $_subTotal = $grand_total - $_discounts; $_invoiceTotal = $_subTotal; adda($doc, $totalSummary, array( "GrossTotal" => $grand_total, "Discounts" => $_discounts, "SubTotal" => $_subTotal, "Tax" => "0", "InvoiceTotal" => $_invoiceTotal )); //$grand_total = $grand_total - $brochure - $rep; print $doc->saveXML(); ?>


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