Working with implode() function

Hi, i have a big problem if I want to use this function. I work with one-page module, HTML and PHP in one page. In the HTML section, I have a form with checkboxes (3). As I want to put the item connected in a DB, using MYSQL I try to use the array which is formed by those boxes. When I use implode(",", answer) it works, however if I try it a few days later or if a rename my file (i.e. to index.php) it doesn’t work any more and i get as fault that my form no array back send and so I can not use implode.
However, as I reprogram the script, everything works again, and so on. Brief my question is, if someone can answer this, wat do I have to do to make this thing working. I used already isset(), no luck. isset(submit) no luck. Please, can someone give me a solution, before I become mad? thanks

You must show your form, form processing code, and any error you are getting.

Only checked checkboxes are set. You would test if the field name is set before referencing any of the checkbox data.

If you are trying to store a comma separated list in a database column, this is a bad design that prevents searching and producing reports. You should store each piece of data as a separate row in a database table.

Thank you, in deed I try tho make a string from the answers of my checkbox, and as I told already it is possible, one time. I will try it on Your way once, because the other way is strange enough impossible to reproduce.
Thanks again!

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