Somewhere in this code there is an error (I know this because it causes a HTTP 500 error on the page)
I have ran the code through a php syntax checker and it didn’t flag any issues. Please could someone help?
Many thanks!
if($_GET) {
if($_GET["claim"] == "try") {
if($usernamedata["weeklyclaim"] == "true") {
header("Location: https://emailpass.tk/dashboard/buy-credits?claim=error");
} else {
$credits = int($usernamedata["credits"]);
$newcredits = ($credits + 1);
$sql = 'UPDATE `accounts` SET `credits`="'. $newcredits .'" WHERE `username`="'.
$_SESSION["loggedin"] .'";';
$result = $conn->query($sql);
$usernamedata = $result->fetch_assoc();
header("Location: https://emailpass.tk/dashboard/buy-credits?claim=success");
} else {
(thanks for the edit, I forgot about bb code)