Why does it seem that most of jobs out there now have to include web development as a skill. For example and the reason this post came about:
A friend of mine, who at times can be a little clueless as to what he says means to others, says “I applying for a new job.” I reply “Great, where at and what will you being same as now?” Of course he goes into great detail about the position and the location of the job, but one thing catches my attention and I am ask him for the link to the job posting.
I read and to my again great disgust read all about the part of the job he can do and the part HE CAN’T do. Furthermore, shouldn’t even be asked to.
Web Development:
Design and Maintain Web Sites -
Blah blah blah blah…
MSSQL Database interaction.
The site is horrible at best the way it is and was built using Yahoo builder. :roll:
I reply "No… of course it isn’t… If you are anything like me and have been working with web pages since high school and went to college for it, oh not to even mention you have to have a programmers mind set. Other than that easy as pie! That give him the hint that I was non to pleased with the comment.
Now, back to the reason for the post, why is that HR/Job posters think that they can just roll web development into any job, and that web development is simply using some Editior to maintain a site?? In all actuality of it, they are trying to have one person do the job of 2. And how many GIS people, secretaries, System Administrators, Help Desk, and various other positions know web develpment?? (Besides the ones that learn on the job.) Its just very annoying to me, a person who does web development for a living, to have my job so down played all the time.
Is what I do tough, no, not if you are person with the programmers thought process. But please if you no clue into what someones job is about, any job, never go up to them and say “Its not that hard right??”