I have created a template with Docusign API using a base document (a customer contract) the details of which will change when I send out an envelope but the layout will remain the same. I am trying to replace the base document from the template when creating the envelope. I have been informed that I need to use composite templates but when I try to code that I am getting a 500 error.
Here is the code for the envelope definition:
* @param $args array
* @return array ['redirect_url']
* @throws ApiException for API problems and perhaps file access \Exception too.
# ***DS.snippet.0.start
private function worker(array $args): array
# 1. Create the envelope request object
$envelope_definition = $this->make_envelope($args["envelope_args"]);
# 2. call Envelopes::create API method
# Exceptions will be caught by the calling function
$envelope_api = $this->clientService->getEnvelopeApi();
$results = $envelope_api->createEnvelope($args['account_id'], $envelope_definition);
return ['envelope_id' => $results->getEnvelopeId()];
* Creates envelope definition using composite templates
* Parameters for the envelope: signer_email, signer_name, signer_client_id
* @param $args array
* @return mixed -- returns an envelope definition
private function make_envelope(array $args): EnvelopeDefinition
$signer = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer([
'email' => $args['signer_email'], 'name' => $args['signer_name'],
'role_name' => "signer", 'recipient_id' => "1",
# Adding clientUserId transforms the template recipient
# into an embedded recipient:
'client_user_id' => $args['signer_client_id']
# Create the company signer recipient
$companySigner = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer([
'email' => $args['companySigner_email'], 'name' => $args['companySigner_name'],
'role_name' => "companySigner", 'recipient_id' =>"2"
# Recipients object:
$recipients_server_template = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Recipients([
'signers' => [$signer, $companySigner]]);
# Create a composite template for the Server template + roles
$comp_template1 = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\CompositeTemplate([
'composite_template_id' => "1",
'server_templates' => [
new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\ServerTemplate([
'sequence' => "1", 'template_id' => $args['template_id']])
# Add the roles via an inlineTemplate
'inline_templates' => [
new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\InlineTemplate([
'sequence' => "1",
'recipients' => $recipients_server_template])
# Create Signer definitions for the added document - using the same tabs from server template
$signerAddedDoc = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer([
'email' => $args['signer_email'],
'name' => $args['signer_name'],
'role_name' => "signer", 'recipient_id' => "1",
'client_user_id' => $args['signer_client_id'],
'tabs' => $signer_tabs]);
$companySignerAddedDoc = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Signer([
'email' => $args['companySigner_email'],
'name' => $args['companySigner_name'],
'role_name' => "companySigner", 'recipient_id' => "2",
'client_user_id' => $args['signer_client_id'],
'tabs' => $companySigner_tabs]);
# The Recipients object for the added document.
# Using companySigner definition from above.
$recipients_added_doc = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\Recipients([
'signers' => [$signerAddedDoc, $companySignerAddedDoc]]);
# Create the pdf document that will be added to the envelope
$doc_file = 'Connect_Customer_Agreement.pdf';
$content_bytes = file_get_contents(self::DEMO_DOCS_PATH . $doc_file);
$base64_file_content = base64_encode($content_bytes);
# Create the document model
$document = new Document([ # create the DocuSign document object
'document_base64' => $base64_file_content,
'name' => 'Prepared Connect Customer Agreement', # can be different from actual file name
'file_extension' => 'pdf', # many different document types are accepted
'document_id' => '1' # a label used to reference the doc
# Create a composite template for the added document
$comp_template2 = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\CompositeTemplate([
'composite_template_id' => "2",
# Add the recipients via an inlineTemplate
'inline_templates' => [
new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\InlineTemplate([
'sequence' => "2", 'recipients' => $recipients_added_doc])
'document' => $document]);
# Create the envelope definition with the composited templates
$envelope_definition = new \DocuSign\eSign\Model\EnvelopeDefinition([
'status' => "sent",
'composite_templates' => [$comp_template1, $comp_template2]
return $envelope_definition;