Upgrade to Ubuntu16.04 LTS from 14.04 LTS killed my php

I recently upgraded my ubuntu 14.04 system to 16.04. In the upgrade process the php installation on my system became a MESS!! There were bits of php5 & php7.0 (default for ubuntu 16.04) floating around everywhere with NOTHING working. So I took a deep breath and purged ALL my php. Then I installed php7.0. I know it’s working now because I get sensible output from :

php -v


purvez@127:~/www/gi$ php -r ‘echo “\n\nYour PHP installation is working fine.\n\n\n”;’

However if I try running a phpinfo page from my browser then I don’t get ANY output nor any errors. My web server is apache2. There are no php7.0 related mods available OR enabled on the server. Only php7.0-fpm.conf available and enabled.

My website’s root is at :


If I change the name of the phpinfo.php file then I get an error in the browser so it is clearly seeing the file but php is not processing it.

My apache2 virtualhost file is as follows:

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName pd
DocumentRoot /home/purvez/www/testapp/public
<Directory /home/purvez/www/testapp/public/>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted

Is there something else that I need to tell apache2 about where to find php?

All advice/assistance gratefully received with thanks.


If I change the name of the phpinfo.php file then I get an error in the browser

Telling us the exact error would be helpful.

I don't get ANY output

What does the ‘view source’ of the page show?

Also, what is the url you are entering in your browser’s address bar?

[member=46186]Kevin Rubio[/member]: The exact error is :

Not Found

The requested URL /phpinfo.php was not found on this server.

@pdo bumpstart database:

This is what I wrote as the error:

However if I try running a phpinfo page from my browser then I don’t get ANY output nor any errors.

[member=87768]phdr[/member] The view source shows this:

<?php phpinfo(); ?>

The exact url is :


@ALL I very much appreciate your responses and willingness to help. Many thanks.

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