Hi there,
I’ve got a script that displays the product details from a database using an ID it gets from the url.
and looking to see if my questions can be answered or even if they are the right solution…
The form will always update inputs that the user might not have updated. is there a better way to update the table without updating everything? Maybe check to see what variable has been changed and if so, submit?
Like above the user won’t always need to update the image associated with the product, but my current code to support a ‘no image chosen’ type update is crude and i know this can be handled better…
the current code over has holes, like I have an else statement but with no output and my only reason to have it, there is when I remove it, it breaks…
ultimately im asking for what im doing wrong, and then i can go away read more about it and improve it…
Thank you…
$name_of_book = trim($_POST['name']);
$des = trim($_POST['des']);
$pr = trim($_POST['pr']);
$cdate = date("Y-m-d");
$pid = trim($_POST['pid']);
//it doesnt matter which variable is updated by the user as it will get updated
//!! Can we do it so if the variable is the same as whats in the databate base it doesnt update?
if($name_of_book || $des || $pr){
//Update in table product
$stmt = $db_con->prepare("UPDATE product SET name=:en,
des=:ds, pr=:pr, cdate=:cd WHERE pid=:id");
$stmt->bindParam(":en", $name_of_book);
$stmt->bindParam(":ds", $des);
$stmt->bindParam(":pr", $pr);
$stmt->bindParam(":cd", $cdate);
$stmt->bindParam(":id", $pid);
$form_feedback = "<p>Details of this book has been updated<p>";
//some times the image wont be updated by the user
//!!(needs to be cleaned up)
if (empty($_FILES['fileToUpload']['name'])) {
echo '';
}elseif(isset($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"])) {
$allowed_ext = array("jpg","png","jpeg","gif");
$ext = end(explode('.', $_FILES["fileToUpload"]["name"]));
if(in_array($ext, $allowed_ext)){
$name = md5(rand()) . '.' . $ext;
$path ="../img/".$name;
move_uploaded_file($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"], $path);
//Get the id so it knows where to update
$pid = trim($_GET['pid']);
$pid = filter_var($pid, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
$mg = "../img/".$name;
//insert in table product
$stmt = $db_con->prepare("UPDATE product SET img=:mg WHERE pid=:id");
$stmt->bindParam(":mg", $mg);
$stmt->bindParam(":id", $pid);
echo '<script>alert("not the right image file")</script>';
echo '<script>alert("Big Image File")</script>';
//!! A file doesnt have to be selected.
//echo '<script>alert("Please select file")</script>';