This is the code for a php file in microjobengine theme. It refers to a form which I would like to modify, but I can’t tell which file it refers to. Can someone help me work it out?
Thank you
$disable_plan = disable_plan_post_mjob();
<div class="container float-center">
<p class="block-title"><?php _e('POST A MJOB', 'enginethemes'); ?></p>
<?php if( ! $disable_plan && mje_is_user_active( $user_ID ) ) : ?>
<div class="progress-bar">
<div class="mjob-progress-bar-item">
<?php if(!$user_ID):
mje_render_progress_bar(4, true);
mje_render_progress_bar(3, true);
endif; ?>
// check disable payment plan or not
if(! $disable_plan && mje_is_user_active( $user_ID ) ) {
get_template_part( 'template/post-service', 'step1' );
if(! $user_ID) {
get_template_part( 'template/post-service', 'step2' );
} elseif( ! mje_is_user_active( $user_ID ) ) {
echo '<p class="not-found">' . __( 'Your account is pending.<br />Please check your email and confirm your account before posting the mJob.', 'enginethemes' ) . '</p>';
} else {
get_template_part( 'template/post-service', 'step3' );
if( ! $disable_plan) {
get_template_part( 'template/post-service', 'step4' );