I’m creating a simple textbox area that someone can enter text into a textbox, send it to the database and display it later. It has 10 textboxes setup. I can enter text into every box and click submit and they will all be submitted to the database as long as I don’t have anything in textbox 2. In which case it will delete whatever was in textbox 2, push whatever was in textbox 3 and below to the next textbox and push the text in textbox 10 completely off the page.
Any idea why this would happen? Here’s the code to the two pages involved:
// start the session
if (!session_is_registered($_SESSION[‘myusername’])) {
header (‘location:./login.php’);
$sql="SELECT event
FROM events
Admin Portal
$position = 1;
$dbControl = 9;
$event = array();
if (!empty($_POST[‘event1’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event1’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event2’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event2’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event3’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event3’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event4’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event4’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event5’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event5’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event6’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event6’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event7’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event7’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event8’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event8’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event9’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event9’];
if (!empty($_POST[‘event10’])) {
$event[] = $_POST[‘event10’];
include (’./dbconnect.php’);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM events
foreach ($event as $msg) {
mysql_query(“INSERT INTO events
, event
, date
) VALUES (’$position’, ‘$msg’, curdate() )”) or die(mysql_error());