storing <iframe> to mysql with php


this has only occurred since the PHP version was upgraded to 5.8.8 by my host, it did work before,
and it does not stop PHPMyAdmin from being able to store <iframe> code to my tables

I can’t get my HTML form to accept <iframe></iframe>with the relevant code between the start & stop for passing to my database, I get the error:[i] Forbidden

You don’t have permission to access /1stlevelsubdirectory/filename.php on this server.[/i],

which is triggered when I even try to save <iframe, but not <ifram and no other details, other html code (like ) is fine

one other thought: a lot of googling and forum research sometimes suggests the htaccess file is the problem, so here is the content of the htaccess file for that directory

[code]#prevent directory browsing – for security
#IndexIgnore /

#Options -Indexes-[/code]

but then again if the htaccess is ‘at fault’ why can phpMyAdmin handle the

hope someone can enlighten me :slight_smile:


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