SQLite -> MySQL Vise Versa...

Ok - I have been racking my brain for about 22.5h trying to figure out how to proceed with the next part of my project… Basically, I have a main MySQL Database which handles the majority of the data, and multiple SQLite databases which handle a separate operational data set.

I have gotten as far as a while() loop to pull the datafield that I need out of the MySQL dataset, now I need some help on using that datafield to cycle through the 5 different SQLite datasets to produce a type of counter or report, which will then be fed back to a background .php script that will handle the datafile output by the while() loop.

I was thinking that in the while loop, I would have to construct a foreach statement to draw the necessary data from the SQLite database:

$myQuery = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM this_table”);
while ($data = mysql_fetch_assoc($myQuery)) {
$varX = $data[‘col1’]; // the data i’m after
// this is where i lose my mind…
foreach($varX) {

sqlite stuff here…

then maybe output into yet another SQLite db for parsing by the background .php file…



This is the first time I have ever used SQLite Db’s in a project… and while I enjoy using MySQL, my production host limits me to 100mb per MySQL DB.

Any Ideas?

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