So i recently moved host and they changed the time stamp but they said this isn’t the problem. All of the other alerts work in that the little table appears in the pages until you remove it. I don’t know what went wrong with the code or something and i’ve been trying to fix it to no avail. I’ll post the bit of the News.php that involves the alerts:
$note=“The news has been updated!”;
//@mysql_query(“INSERT INTO alerts (player_from=$id, player_to=$id, $note, $date, $date_new, $type, $extra)
//SELECT ‘1’, $id, ‘$note’, ‘$time’, ‘1’, ‘’ FROM users WHERE lastlogin>=NOW()-INTERVAL 30 DAY”)or die(“Cannot create news alert!”);
@mysql_query(“UPDATE users SET news=1”) or die(@mysql_error());[/php]
Any help at this point would be great. It’s the only bug the site has and i really need it fixed.