showing results of radio button in email

HI, I am not a programmer but can make basic changes to my website using Dreamweaver (I used to be a mainframe programmer so have some skills!). I have added a radio button field to my existing contact form but can’t get the result of the button to display in by email. What am I doing wrong?

Here is the form code

Email Address
First Name
Last Name
Contact No email phone

and here is the email code

$message .= "Email Address: $_POST[email] ".$nl;
$message .= “First Name: $_POST[first]”.$nl;
$message .= “Last Name: $_POST[last]”.$nl;
$message .= “Country: $_POST[country]”.$nl;
if ($_POST[‘contact’]==“email”) { echo “contact by email”; }
else {echo “contact by phone”; }
$message .= “Question: $_POST[question]”.$nl;

	$message .= "IP: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].$nl;	
	$message .= "Host: ".gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']).$nl;
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