Server IP

I am using sage Web to lead form on my site, for security we can only allow forms to come from one IP address which is our website server IP. The problem I have is the when the web to lead form is sent it captures the IP of the person submitting the form. Is there any code I can add to the form so it is sent from the web site server IP only

Thanks in advance

Is the form done in an iframe or submitted through ajax? If not, have your form process the request to validate it and then make the request from your server. Otherwise, the request is coming from the browser, not your server.

Hey, thanks for getting back, sorry for the late response. Its odd really, the client provided some html from their Sage CRM that is to be just pasted into a web page. The beginning of the code looks like this

<HEAD><META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Expires" CONTENT="-1"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Pragma" CONTENT="no-cache"><META HTTP-EQUIV="Cache-Control" CONTENT="no-cache,no-Store">
<FORM Name="WEB2LEAD" method="POST" OnSubmit="return CreateAction()">
<SCRIPT>function CreateAction()
{if (document.WEB2LEAD.SELECTWorkFlow == null)document.WEB2LEAD.action = "http://armsage2016/crm/eware.dll/SubmitLead?RuleID=";else document.WEB2LEAD.action = "http://armsage2016/crm/eware.dll/SubmitLead?RuleID=" + document.WEB2LEAD.SELECTWorkFlow.options[document.WEB2LEAD.SELECTWorkFlow.selectedIndex].value;return true;
<TD  VALIGN=TOP ><SPAN ID=_Captlead_personfirstname class=VIEWBOXCAPTION>First name:</SPAN>
<BR><SPAN ID=_Datalead_personfirstname class=VIEWBOX ><input type="text" CLASS=EDIT ID="lead_personfirstname" name="lead_personfirstname"  value="" maxlength=30><input type="hidden" name="_HIDDENlead_personfirstname" id="_HIDDENlead_personfirstname" value="" entryType="10"><span CLASS=VIEWBOXNOBG><font color="blue" >*</font></span></SPAN>

Okay, I did a SalesForce integration that followed this pattern. Good news/ bad news? How I had to do it, was for the form to be processed internally and then the data was taken and a cURL request was made to the SalesForce CRM system where it should have ended up. Otherwise, the IP being used is going to come from the users browser’, not your servers IP.

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