search query with criterias not working!

Hi All, I am running the below code to do a search of a database table, I am trying to do find the best way to search a field for a number of different things like:

field = NPO
keys to search = blind, deaf, sight, see, %ear%

when searching the field for ear it also looks for hear, hearing, but not earing


ini_set('display_errors', 'ON');
ini_set('error_reporting', E_ALL | E_STRICT );

$db_conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "dis-ro-dev", "ars123abc") OR die("Could not connect to the MySQL server!");
	    mysql_select_db("dis-dev", $db_conn) OR die("Could not select the database!");

$query = "SELECT * FROM test WHERE PNO="%deaf%'" OR "blind" OR "dog guide";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$rows = mysql_numrows($result);

while ($i < $rows) {


echo $pno." ".$address;




I error thats happening is that its not giving me all of the listing for the criterias, but if I enter them in with out putting % around it works:

this code is the base for a more detailed code, but I am starting here to make it easer as I add things I can make sure it works

Any help would be greatful, if you know of a good tutorial on doing this kind of thing


Try using

WHERE PNO="%deaf%" OR PNO="blind" OR PNO="dog guide";

instead. Without the ‘PNO=’, mysql will just evaluate whatever is after the OR to true and return everything in the set.

when searching the field for ear it also looks for hear, hearing, but not earing

are you saying that this is how you want it to behave, or this is how it is behaving?

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