I need to get my text to scroll back and forth and then have it switch colors from blue to red every 5 pixels. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
//ScrollText javascript code
function initText(){
dom = document.getElementById('theText').style;
//Current position
var x = dom.left;
var y = dom.top;
//Covert string to numbers and strip off units
x = x.match(/\d+/);
y = y.match(/\d+/);
//call the function that moves it
moveText(x, y);
if (y != finaly)
if (y > finaly) y --;
else if (y , finaly) y++;
if ((x != finalx) || (y != finaly)) {
dom.left = x + "px";
dom.top = y + "px";
setTimeout("moveText(" + x + "," + y + ")", 1);