Script error "Command not found"

I am using Amazon Web Services to run a virtual machine with a Centos image. This machine is a dedicated MySQl server. I am using php script to backup my databases. I am running php in terminal. The script is generating errors that are beyond my scope of knowledge. I desperately need help.

$emailaddress = “”;
$host = “INTERNAL_IP”; // database host
$dbuser = “db_id”; // database user name
$dbpswd = “db_pswd “; // database password
$mysqldb = “schema”; // name of database
$path = “/home/ec2-user/Backup”; // full server path to backup files directory
// backup database & Compress backup files
$filename = “/home/ec2-user/Backup” . $day . “.sql.gz”;
if ( file_exists($filename) ) unlink($filename);
system(”/usr/bin/mysqldump --user=$dbuser --password=$dbpswd --host=$host $mysqldb > $filename”,$result);
//formate file sizes
$size = filesize($filename);
switch ($size) {
case ($size>=1048576): $size = round($size/1048576) . " MB"; break;
case ($size>=1024): $size = round($size/1024) . " KB"; break;
default: $size = $size . " bytes"; break;
//Backup complete messages
$message = “The database backup for " . $mysqldb . " has been run.\n\n”;
$message .= "The return code was: " . $result . “\n\n”;
$message .= "The file path is: " . $filename . “\n\n”;
$message .= “Size of the backup: " . $size . “\n\n”;
$message .= “Server time of the backup: " . date(” F d h:ia”) . “\n\n”;
mail($emailaddress, “Database Backup Message” , $message, “From: Website <>”);




: No such file or directory?php
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 2: =: command not found
: command not foundline 2:
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 3: =: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 3: //: is a directory
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 4: =: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 4: //: is a directory
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 5: =: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 5: //: is a directory
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 6: =: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 6: //: is a directory
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 7: =: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 7: //: is a directory
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 8: //: is a directory
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 8: Compress: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 9: =: command not found
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 9:
./SD_DBbackup.php: line 10: syntax error near unexpected token $filename' ./SD_DBbackup.php: line 10:if (file_exists($filename) ) unlink($filename);

Well, you create a file name based on $day, but, never set $day.
Not sure but, that might be the issue. Let us know…

Than you all for your great suggestion. I very much appreciate it. I was able to run the this script successfully. The problem was generated, I think, due to not including the php line interpreter flag to invoke the terminal.

This topic can be closed, thanks again for the help.

Glad you sorted it all out! CYA in the bitstream…

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