Rollover images


I am looking for a way to have multiple image rollovers on my website with each

rollover having multiple images. In other words, I want each rollover to have a

small slideshow on mouse over and then stop on mouse out. PLEASE help me

out. I have been looking everywhere for hours. Willing to pay if necessary.

you can do that in Flash. Simply download SwISHMax 4 and easily make your rollover slideshow. register as a member at to get your free help and some free tutorials to work with SwISH Max.

If you register please write a message to my account “Amaresh” and then i can help you live.

Thank you.

First of all

There are some slideshows, if you don’t use framework to javascript i reccommended you to use JQuery, this has documentation and the use is too simple, and has expectacular effects.

Here are multiple slideshow in jquery and you can change the code to adapt to your expectatives

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