reward script plugin, show image instead of text?

Hi guys, hope u can help out here, i am a noob when it comes to PHP.

Its a relative simple thing i want to achieve:

Instead of the text “click here to earn points” i want a image.
Would ordinary html work, i mean just replace the text with html image?

The text appears 3 times in the script

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

[php] /
if ( is_user_logged_in() )
$score = get_user_score($current_user->ID);
$widget_content = ‘Your ‘.CREDITS_NAME.’: ‘.$score.’ |
<a href="#" ‘.get_option(‘onclick_code’,’’).’>Click here to earn points’;
$widget_content = ‘To start earning ‘.CREDITS_NAME.’ and trade them for rewards, you need to be registered.

Already have an account? Log in here.’;

[php] */ if(strpos($content,'[RewardsWidget]')) { if ( is_user_logged_in() ) { $score = get_user_score($current_user->ID); $widget_content = 'Your '.CREDITS_NAME.': '.$score.' | Click here to earn points'; } else { $widget_content = 'To start earning '.CREDITS_NAME.' and trade them for rewards, you need to be registered.

Already have an account? Log in here.'; } } /* [/php]

you cand do it with html or with a variable
html: <img src=‘full_path_to_the_image’>
php: $image = " ";

As andrutu991 said, simple…

Well, how I do it is simple HTML… I enclose the image inside the link. Press the image and the link fires…

Something like this should work for you:

<a href="#" '.get_option('onclick_code','').'><img src=\'full_path_to_the_image\'></a>';
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