returning 0 from a list of values

below is the class which has the problem; most of it can be ignored. the function pos is returning null or 0 although values have been set previosly. this is when the function generate is called. please help.


class listcreate {

private $digitarray = array(array());//first parameter in all instances is the week identifier
private $posarray  = array(array());
private $validcheck = array(array());//holds who has played who up to $week [hometeam][awayteam]; boolean
private $tables = array(array()); //holds how many free tables at venue of team
private $teams;//constant in all weeks
private $week;//id of current working week. prevents need for constant defining of week. use setweek function

public $matchdate = array(); // date of this match

function __construct($n){

function listcreate($n){
	$this->teams = $n;
	for($x = 1; $x <= $this->teams; $x++){
		for($n = 1; $n <= (($teams - 1 + ($teams % 2)) * 2); $n++){
			$this->digitarray[$n][$x] = 1;
			$this->posarray[$n][$x] = $x;
		$this->validcheck[$x][$x] = true;
	$this->week = 1;

function generate(){
	for($x = 1; $x <= $this->teams; $x++){
			echo$this->posarray[$this->week][$x] . $this->digit($x) . $this->digitarray[$this->week][$x] . '<br />';
	$placearray = array();
	$this->week = 1;
	$maxlength = ($this->teams - 1 + ($this->teams % 2)) * 2;
	echo $this->pos(1);
	while($this->week <= $maxlength ){
	$placearray = $this->posarray[$this->week];
		for($x = 1; $x <= $this->teams; $x++){
			echo$this->posarray[$this->week][$x] . $this->digit($x) . $this->digitarray[$this->week][$x] . '<br />';
		if($this->posarray[$this->week] == $placearray){
			echo'<br />Prev';
	echo'<br />Next';

function setWeek($week){//sets which week the changes are made to.
	$this->week = $week;

function isValid(){
	$valid = true;
	for($x = 1; $x < $this->teams; $x = $x + 2){
		echo$this->pos($x). $x . $this->pos($x+1) . '-';
		$this->validcheck[$this->pos($x)][$this->pos($x+1)] = $this->validcheck[$this->pos($x)][$this->pos($x+1)] + 1;
	echo'<br />';
	for($x = 1; $x < $this->teams; $x++){
		for($n = 1; $n <= $this->teams; $n++){
			if($this->validcheck[$x][$n] > 1){$valid = false;}
	echo'<br />';
	for($x = 1; $x < $this->teams; $x = $x + 2){
		$this->validcheck[$this->pos($x)][$this->pos($x+1)] = $this->validcheck[$this->pos($x)][$this->pos($x+1)] - 1;

function nextWeek(){
	for($x = 1; $x < $this->teams; $x = $x + 2){

function prevWeek(){
	for($x = 1; $x < $this->teams; $x = $x + 2){

function digit($n){// n = team id
		return $this->digitarray[$this->week][(($this->teams - $n) + 1)]; //negates reversed effect (ie largest base first)

function digitIncr($n = 1){ //incriments array; smallest base first;
	if(($this->digitarray[$this->week][$n] + 1) > $n){
		$this->digitarray[$this->week][$n] = 1;
		if($n <= $this->teams){$this->digitIncr($n + 1);}
		$this->digitarray[$this->week][$n] = $this->digitarray[$this->week][$n] + 1;

function pos($n){// n = position; returns team id
	if($n <= $this->teams){
		return $this->posarray[$this->week][$n];
		return 0;

function posIncr(){// puts positions in array using setpos
	for($x = 1; $x <= $this->teams; $x++){
		echo $this->setPos($this->digit($x), 0);
		$this->posarray[$this->week][$x] = $this->setPos($this->digit($x), 0);

private function setPos($dig, $pos){//finds corresponding position dependant on its digit.		
		$postaken = true;
			$postaken = false;
			for($x = 1; $x <= $this->teams; $x++){
				if($this->posarray[$this->week][$x] == $pos){$postaken = true;}
	return $pos;

private function clearPos(){//clears current array for new values
	for($x = 1; $x <= $this->teams; $x++){
		$this->posarray[$this->week][$x] = 0;


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