Hello. I have the following error on a php site that i’ve moved to my local machine to troubleshoot. It was created by another developer and i’m still quite a novice, so need help. Using WAMP on windows 7
Error is: Notice: Undefined variable: return in C:\wamp\www\themutual\calendar.class.php on line 106
95 //print_r($data);
96 foreach ($rows as $res):
97 //echo ($res[‘rm_date’]); echo “
98 if($res[‘rm_date’] == “”) continue;
99 $dt = date(“Y-n-j”, strtotime($res[‘rm_date’]));
100 $return[getDateB($dt)] = $res[‘rm_date’];
101 endforeach;
102 //$arry = get_request_by_viewlisting(‘rm_date’);
103 //echo get_request_by_viewlisting(‘rm_date’);
104 //echo “date=”.$return[getDateB($dt)];
105 // echo “r date=”.$res[‘rm_date’];
106 return $return;
107 }
Any help will be great appreciated