results dependent upon form answer

I am trying to come up with a simplified version of the link below for a local flooring company.

My assumption is that I can build a form and then query a database full of flooring types based on the choices made within this form. Is this correct? How could I go about this? What would this be called so I can more accurately search for help in Google? Any general direction on how to do this would be greatly appreciated as a was given this task today and asked to provide my ideas for a solution end of day today or beginning of day Monday.

I have also included the very simple form without any styling or images if that helps.

Thanks for any help you can provide

Your link is not working???

Sorry I changed that at some point to:
Its nothing special just a form - no styling or images yet.

The real question I have is with the automation of recommendations for the form. I think I could use php “If… else” logic to narrow down my choices and provide generic recommendations based on this logic. I just do not exactly know if this is correct or how I would set it up. I want all this logic to occur in an ajax function that would fire upon form submit. I have worked with ajax in this scenario a few times and think I could figure that out, but again would I be going about the automation correctly? Is this the right route? Any suggestions would be appreciated and if anyone knows what a form like home depots would be called that would also be nice so I could try to search for help appropriately.

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