--- resolved

Thanks for all previous phphelp.

I am attempting to add another calculation to this successfully working code,
to generate a number that is half of the User amount ($up_amount = $video_cost_new). Here’s the current code:

	$inserted_records = 0;
	foreach ($id_array as $id){
		$video_id = (int)PT_Secure($id);
		// get video data
		$video = $db->where('id', $id)->getOne(T_VIDEOS);
$video_cost_new = $video->rent_price?$video->rent_price:$video_cost;
		// credit the User 50% of the video cost
		$up_amount = $video_cost_new *0.50;					
		// add data to table

So, I’m asking if adding this code would be the correct code to accomplish generating a number that is half of the User amount:

$money_amount = $up_amount *0.50;

I look forward to any guidance.

It’s just math. Divide by 2 !

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