What exactly are you trying to do? Have me build your script?
I won’t do it. I have my own scripts to think about.
It takes only a little bit of common knowledge and a curious set of mind to achieve what you want. I’m willing to bet you didn’t even touch google or php.net once on this matter, and if you did, you probably clicked it away again, not even bothering to try and understand what the hits meant, and decided to ask here instead to see if you can get a script for free. That’s not how it works. We provide help on scripts that you made, we don’t provide scripts. You can try phpscripts.com for that. We expect you to at least put some effort into the matter and so far, I’ve seen none of that.
You’re gonna have to make a list of things that you want. Login, database table setup, page templates, etc. Only then you can start coding and when things go wrong while coding, we can help you out. We won’t be doing your work for you.
And even if we did, do you think you could get your mind around it? If I said, ‘here’s a script that works’, and you run it and it doesn’t do what you want? Then what? I’m not gonna modify it for you, that’s your job. But since you didn’t write it yourself, you have no clue how to do it. It’s better to write your own script, so you know what goes wrong or what to change should something not be to your wishes.