Hello, I’m using a recursive function (must admit I’m a novice in that area) to indicate whose turn it is (between a player and the computer) in a simple card game im developing. Before the function is set into motion,
a variable is defined outside the function called play first, which can either be fed the value, “me” or “computer”. Now depending on which the player choses, an alert box indicates
who plays first. If it is the player, it reads “your turn”, waits for a prompt from player (a click in some designated container mimicks that for now), at which point, the value for play_first variable
is changed to computer and the function is run recursively. Now since it is the computer’s turn, a fucntion is executed (which i haven’t coded yet), and soon after that, the play_first value is
again changed to “me” indicating the player’s turn and the cycle continues. The point of exit is when either player or computer has no more cards.
It seems to work fine except for the fact that, when I prompt the player to play, I dont just get a simple “computer’s turn” followed by a “your turn” alert, but also all the previous “your turn” and
“computer turn” alerts that had preceeded this particular prompt, depending on the number of times the prompt has been clicked. So for example, if it is the second round for player to play and I click on the prompt, it would
alert “computer’s turn” followed by “Your turn” twice, instead of just once as I expect it to. Any ideas??
var play_cards = "me" //Could also be "computer"
function whose_turn(who){
if( (p1cards.length = 0)||(p2cards.length = 0) ){//If either player is out of cards
alert("Game Over!");
}else{//If neither player is done, the game should continue
if(who == "me"){//If it is player's turn
alert("Your turn");
//Mimick the player playing a card by clicking in some div
//Execute player 2 play function...
//Run the whose turn function recursively, this time handing the baton to the computer
play_first = "computer";
whose_turn(play_first); //It's now computer's turn
}else{//If it's computer's turn
alert("Computer's turn");
//Prevent player2 from playing if he attempts...
//Execute the computer play function...
//Run the whose turn function recursively, this time handing the baton to the player
play_first = "me";
whose_turn(play_first); //It's now your turn
}//End else if it's computer's turn
}//End of else if neither player is done