problem with a simple script? please help!

i get an error message on the script below when i run it on my server but only on the first photo - after that it works. what might be the problem? suggestions? my site is on


Gallery body { background-color: #eeeeee; } td { font-family: verdana,arial,sans-serif; font-size: 10px; color: #000000; } a { color: #000000; }
<? // links display $gal = $HTTP_GET_VARS["gal"]; $pic = $HTTP_GET_VARS["pic"]; $n = 1; $links = array(); $fp = fopen("links.txt", "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $link = fgets($fp, 500); if($link) { $links[$n] = rtrim($link); $n++; } } fclose($fp); for ($i=1; $i<=sizeof($links); $i++) { echo "".$links[$i].""; if ( $i<=(sizeof($links)-1)) { echo " | "; } } ?>

<? // photo display if (!isset($gal) or trim($gal)=='') { $gal = 1; } if (!isset($pic) or trim($pic)=='') { $pic = 1; } $dir= "gallery".$gal; @$d = dir($dir); if ($d) { while($entry=$d->read()) { $entry = preg_replace("/ /","%20",$entry); $pos = strpos (strtolower($entry), ".jpg"); if (!($pos === false)) { $arr_pic[] = $dir."/".$entry; } } $d->close(); } @sort ($arr_pic); $total = sizeof($arr_pic); echo ""; ?>

<? // comments display (if exists) $cmt = $dir.".txt"; if (file_exists($cmt)) { $n = 0; $comment = array(); $fp = fopen($cmt, "r"); while (!feof($fp)) { $tekst = fgets($fp, 5000); if ($tekst) { $comment[$n] = stripcslashes($tekst); $n++; } } fclose($fp); echo $comment[$pic-1]; } ?>

<? // navigation display if ( $pic<2) { $prev_url="?gal=".$gal."&pic=1"; } else { $prev_url='?gal='.$gal.'&pic='.($pic-1); } if ( $pic+1>$total) { $next_url="?gal=".$gal."&pic=".$pic; } else { $next_url='?gal='.$gal.'&pic='.($pic+1); } if ( $pic-10<1) { $skip_back_url='?gal='.$gal.'&pic=1'; } else { $skip_back_url='?gal='.$gal.'&pic='.($pic-10); } if ( $pic+10>$total) { $skip_url='?gal='.$gal.'&pic='.$total; } else { $skip_url='?gal='.$gal.'&pic='.($pic+10); } echo "Skip 10 | "; echo "Prev | "; echo $pic." of ".$total." | "; echo "Next | "; echo "Skip 10"; ?>

MOD EDIT: Added PHP bb code tags

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