Possibly a simple "If"?

I am working on a project that is trying to “mesh” a couple scripts to make the overall project function as follows:
the avatar pulled from a social media login to go from blurry to clear once they complete their profile. The 1st script is what sets up the conditions. the 2nd script is I believe what shows at what % the member has completed their profile as well as if it is complete…

I need the new script to say if $user_id(whatever the function is) = 100% then show “large avatar” as in the script.

need some ideas on how this should read and if this is the right file I need to be looking for (is a plugin script for WordPress) or is there a more specific place I should be looking.

Thanks in advance.

Script 1


  • Change avatar quality
    function heateor_ss_custom_social_avatar( $avatar, $avuser, $size, $default, $alt = ‘’ ) {
    global $theChampLoginOptions;
    if ( isset( $theChampLoginOptions[‘enable’] ) && isset( $theChampLoginOptions[‘avatar’] ) ) {
    // I need a condition below

     if ( 1 ) {  **// condition for best quality**
     	$avatarType = 'thechamp_large_avatar';
     } else {    **// condition for average quality**
     	$avatarType = 'thechamp_avatar';
     $userId = 0;
     if ( is_numeric( $avuser ) ) {
     	if ( $avuser > 0 ) {
     		$userId = $avuser;
     } elseif ( is_object( $avuser ) ) {
     	if ( property_exists( $avuser, 'user_id' ) AND is_numeric( $avuser->user_id ) ) {
     		$userId = $avuser->user_id;
     } elseif ( is_email( $avuser ) ) {
     	$user = get_user_by( 'email', $avuser );
     	$userId = isset( $user->ID ) ? $user->ID : 0;
     if ( $avatarType == 'thechamp_large_avatar' && get_user_meta( $userId, $avatarType, true ) == '' ) {
     	$avatarType = 'thechamp_avatar';
     if ( ! empty( $userId ) && ( $userAvatar = get_user_meta( $userId, $avatarType, true ) ) !== false && strlen( trim( $userAvatar ) ) > 0 ) {
     	return '<img alt="' . esc_attr( $alt ) . '" src="' . $userAvatar . '" class="avatar avatar-' . $size . ' " height="' . $size . '" width="' . $size . '" style="height:'. $size .'px;width:'. $size .'px" />';

    return $avatar;

Script 2

// Exit if accessed directly
if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit;

 * Returns plugin version
 * @uses bppp() plugin's main instance
 * since 1.0
function bppp_get_plugin_version() {
	return bppp()->version;

 * Url to images dir
 * @uses  bppp()
 * @return string the url
 * since 1.0
function bppp_get_images_url() {
	return bppp()->images_url;

 * Register points filter
 * The callback must either return bool (eg. TRUE, which equals 100%) or a percentage (eg. 50)
 * @param type	 $label
 * @param type	 $callback
 * @param type	 $points
 * @param type	 $args 
 * since 1.0
function bppp_register_progression_point( $label, $name, $callback, $points, $args = false ) {
	$point = array(
		'label'		=> $label,		// label for this item aka 
		'name'		=> $name,		// display name 
		'callback'	=> $callback,	// name of the function used to retrieve the user's percents for this item
		'points'	=> $points		// number of points this item potentially gives  

    if( $args )
        $point['args'] = $args;

    bppp()->query->points[] = apply_filters( 'bppp_register_progression_point_'. $label, $point );

 * Get points total
 * @return int
 * since 1.0
function bppp_get_total_points() {

    $total = 0;

    foreach( ( array ) bppp()->query->points as $item ) {
        $total+= $item['points'];

    return $total;

* Builds a link to message composer on users list
* Display progression percent in Profile Status column
* if no data is found, shows a send message button
* @since 1.0
function progress_bar_add_percent_column_content( $value, $column_name, $user_id ) {

	if ( 'progress_profile' == $column_name ) {
		if( !bp_is_active( 'messages') ) {
			  $warning = __( 'BuddyPress Message Component must be activated.', 'buddy-progress-bar' );
				return $warning;

		$user			= get_userdata( $user_id );
		$user_percent	= get_user_meta( $user_id, '_progress_bar_percent_level', true );
		if( bp_is_active( 'messages') ) {
		  $link			= wp_nonce_url( bp_loggedin_user_domain() . bp_get_messages_slug() . '/compose/?r=' . bp_core_get_username( $user_id ) );
		$recipient		= '&nbsp;'. bp_core_get_username( $user_id );
		$ico 			= '<span class="dashicons dashicons-email-alt"></span>';
		$defaults = array(
		  'id' => 'complete_profile_message-'.$user_id,
		  'component' => 'messages',
		  'must_be_logged_in' => true,
		  'block_self' => true,  
		  'wrapper_id' => 'complete-profile-message-'.$user_id,
		  'wrapper_class' =>'complete-profile-message',
		  'link_href' => $link,
		  'link_title' => __( 'Send a message to', 'buddy-progress-bar' ) . $recipient,
		  'link_text' => $ico,
		  'link_class' => 'send-message',

		if( isset( $user_percent ) && $user_percent != 0 ) {
			  return sprintf( '%s %%', $user_percent );		
		  } else { 
			  $btn = bp_get_button( $defaults ); 
			return apply_filters( 'progress_bar_get_send_private_message_button', $btn );
  return $value;

add_filter( 'manage_users_custom_column','progress_bar_add_percent_column_content', 10, 3 );

* Add Welcome page menu
* @since 1.0
function bppp_about_screen_page() {
    'About Progress Bar',
    'About Progress Bar',
add_action('admin_menu', 'bppp_about_screen_page');

* Remove welcome link from wp admin menu
* @since 1.0
function bppp_about_screen_remove_menu() {
    remove_submenu_page( 'index.php', 'bppp-about' );
add_action( 'admin_head', 'bppp_about_screen_remove_menu'
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