I keep getting the following error Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/leeq/public_html/cronjob.php on line 12
For the script below
10: $ressa3 = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM investment_hitory WHERE expired=‘no’”);
11: if ($the_day > $last_cronjob != 0) {
12: for ($vv = 0; $vv < mysql_num_rows($ressa3); $vv++) {
13: $exp = mysql_result($ressa3, $vv, “adate”);
14: $expire_day = strftime("%Y-%m-%d", strtotime("$exp + $getdays days"));
15: $usrid = mysql_result($ressa3, $vv, “usrid”);
16: $id = mysql_result($ressa3, $vv, “id”);
17: $amount = mysql_result($ressa3, $vv, “amount”);
18: $user = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM user WHERE id=$usrid”);
19: $uemail = mysql_result($user, $usrid, “email”);
20: $users_name = mysql_result($user, $usrid, “name”);
21: $invest = mysql_result($user, $usrid, “invested”);
22: if ($expire_day <= $the_day) {
23: mysql_query(“UPDATE investment_history SET expired=‘yes’ WHERE id=$id”);
24: mysql_query(“UPDATE user SET invested=invested-$amount WHERE id=$usrid”);
25: mail($uemail, “$title Upgrade Expired!”, “Hello $users_name,nnYour $title Upgrade for the amount of $amount has just expired.nn$self_urlnnRegardsnn$title Admin”, $email_headers);
26: $message_ins = $message_ins . “Member: $usrid Ammount: $amountn”;
27: }
28: mail($private_sys_email, “$title Upgrade(s) Expired!”, “Hi $title System here…nnThe following account upgrades have expired:nn” . $message_ins, $email_headers);
29: }
30: }
Anyone know what the problem is?