PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'private'

for the life of me i cant figure out what i am missing here


$cwd = getcwd();

chdir( dirname(FILE) );

require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;

class FPDF extends tFPDF {}
private $_encoding = ‘UTF-8’;

var $angle=0;

public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
$this->_out(sprintf(‘q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm’, $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

	Author	: Fernando Herrero
	Mail	: fherrero[at]
	Program	: pdf-cmyk.php
	License	: GPL v2
	Description: Allow to use CMYK color space:
				 SetDrawColor() => Set draw color to black
				 SetDrawColor(int gray) => value in % (0 = black, 100 = white)
				 SetDrawColor(int red, int green, int blue) => 0 to 255
				 SetDrawColor(int cyan, int magenta, int yellow, int black) => values in % (0 to 100)
				 SetFillColor and SetTextColor same as SetDrawColor
	Date	   : 2004-01-22
public function SetDrawColor() {
	//Set color for all stroking operations
	switch(func_num_args()) {
		case 1:
			$g = func_get_arg(0);
			$this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F G', $g / 100);
		case 3:
			$r = func_get_arg(0);
			$g = func_get_arg(1);
			$b = func_get_arg(2);
			$this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F RG', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
		case 4:
			$c = func_get_arg(0);
			$m = func_get_arg(1);
			$y = func_get_arg(2);
			$k = func_get_arg(3);
			$this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F K', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
			$this->DrawColor = '0 G';
	if($this->page > 0)

public function SetFillColor() {
	//Set color for all filling operations
	switch(func_num_args()) {
		case 1:
			$g = func_get_arg(0);
			$this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $g / 100);
		case 3:
			$r = func_get_arg(0);
			$g = func_get_arg(1);
			$b = func_get_arg(2);
			$this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
		case 4:
			$c = func_get_arg(0);
			$m = func_get_arg(1);
			$y = func_get_arg(2);
			$k = func_get_arg(3);
			$this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
			$this->FillColor = '0 g';
	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor);
	if($this->page > 0)

public function SetTextColor() {
	//Set color for text
	switch(func_num_args()) {
		case 1:
			$g = func_get_arg(0);
			$this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $g / 100);
		case 3:
			$r = func_get_arg(0);
			$g = func_get_arg(1);
			$b = func_get_arg(2);
			$this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
		case 4:
			$c = func_get_arg(0);
			$m = func_get_arg(1);
			$y = func_get_arg(2);
			$k = func_get_arg(3);
			$this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
			$this->TextColor = '0 g';
	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor);

 * END pdf-cmyk.php by Fernando Herrero

public static function strip ($dirty=array())
	if (is_array($dirty))
		foreach ($dirty as $key=> $dirtyValue)
			$clean[$key] = self::strip($dirtyValue);
	} else {
		$double	= substr_count($dirty, "\"") == substr_count($dirty, "\\\"");
		$single	= substr_count($dirty, "'") == substr_count($dirty, "\\'");
		$clean	= self::encodeString( ($double && $single)? stripslashes($dirty): $dirty );
	return $clean;

public static function encode_string ($string)
	# create a utf32 string for comparison
	$utf32_string	= mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');

	# convert the utf32 string back to utf8, if it matches then the passed string is utf8
	if ($string === mb_convert_encoding($utf32_string , 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32'))
		return $string;
	# otherwise it's not and should be converted
	} else {
		return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8');

public function NbLines($w, $string)
	$string = self::encode_string($string);

	if ($this->FontSize < 0)
		return 0;

	$font_widths	= $this->CurrentFont['cw'];

	$max_width		= ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize;

	$string			= str_replace("\r", '', $string);

	$string_length	= mb_strlen($string, $this->_encoding);

	if (mb_substr($string, $string_length-1, 1, $this->_encoding) === "\n")
		$string = mb_substr($string, 0, $string_length-1, $this->_encoding);

	$last_space		= -1;
	$char_pos		= 0;
	$j				= 0;
	$line_length	= 0;
	$line_count		= 1;

	while($char = mb_substr($string, $char_pos, 1, $this->_encoding))
		list(,$char_code) = unpack('N', mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UCS-4BE', $this->_encoding));

		$char_width = isset($font_widths[$char_code])? $font_widths[$char_code]: 0;

		if($char === "\n")
			$last_space		= -1;
			$j				= $char_pos;
			$line_length	= 0;


		if($char === ' ')
			$last_space = $char_pos;

		$line_length += $char_width;

		if($line_length > $max_width)
			if($last_space == -1)
				($char_pos == $j)  &&  $char_pos++;

			} else {

				$char_pos = $last_space+1;

			$last_space		= -1;
			$j				= $char_pos;
			$line_length	= 0;


	return $line_count;


require ‘FPDI-1.4/fpdi.php’;

chdir( $cwd );


Im sorry i forgot to mention the error was on

PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'private' (T_PRIVATE) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/squid/lib/card_pdf.php on line 12

Your class is outside of it’s block,

class FPDF extends tFPDF {}

how would i fix this?

Add the code to the class and not have it out on its own.

[php]class Pie {} <- This should not be there
// I am not in a class

class Pie
{ <- This says all code in the block is part of the class
// I am in the class
} <- This say that is all for the class

You have a couple brackets that are extra and will cause issues.

So like this


$cwd = getcwd();

chdir( dirname(FILE) );

require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;
class FPDF extends tFPDF {}

public $_encoding = 'UTF-8';

var $angle=0;

public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
$this->_out(sprintf(‘q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm’, $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

No. Look at my example again.

Still cant get it.

[php]class Person
// this is a class
// all code within the top and bottom bracket are a part of the class


[php] require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;
{ <- doesn’t belong
class FPDF extends tFPDF {} <- doesn’t belong
<- No opening bracket
public $_encoding = ‘UTF-8’;

var $angle=0;

} <- mismatched closing bracket[/php]

This gives me an error:


$cwd = getcwd();

chdir( dirname(FILE) );

require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;

class FPDF extends tFPDF
public $_encoding = ‘UTF-8’;

var $angle=0;

public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
$this->_out(sprintf(‘q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm’, $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

this gives me an error:


$cwd = getcwd();

chdir( dirname(FILE) );

require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;

public $_encoding = ‘UTF-8’;

var $angle=0;

public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
$this->_out(sprintf(‘q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm’, $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

can you tell me like this :

replace this with this.

I am to stupid to figure this out


$cwd = getcwd();

chdir( dirname(FILE) );

require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;

class FPDF extends tFPDF
private $_encoding = ‘UTF-8’;

var $angle=0;

public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
	    $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

	Author	: Fernando Herrero
	Mail	: fherrero[at]
	Program	: pdf-cmyk.php
	License	: GPL v2
	Description: Allow to use CMYK color space:
				 SetDrawColor() => Set draw color to black
				 SetDrawColor(int gray) => value in % (0 = black, 100 = white)
				 SetDrawColor(int red, int green, int blue) => 0 to 255
				 SetDrawColor(int cyan, int magenta, int yellow, int black) => values in % (0 to 100)
				 SetFillColor and SetTextColor same as SetDrawColor
	Date	   : 2004-01-22
public function SetDrawColor() {
	//Set color for all stroking operations
	switch(func_num_args()) {
		case 1:
			$g = func_get_arg(0);
			$this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F G', $g / 100);
		case 3:
			$r = func_get_arg(0);
			$g = func_get_arg(1);
			$b = func_get_arg(2);
			$this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F RG', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
		case 4:
			$c = func_get_arg(0);
			$m = func_get_arg(1);
			$y = func_get_arg(2);
			$k = func_get_arg(3);
			$this->DrawColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F K', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
			$this->DrawColor = '0 G';
	if($this->page > 0)

public function SetFillColor() {
	//Set color for all filling operations
	switch(func_num_args()) {
		case 1:
			$g = func_get_arg(0);
			$this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $g / 100);
		case 3:
			$r = func_get_arg(0);
			$g = func_get_arg(1);
			$b = func_get_arg(2);
			$this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
		case 4:
			$c = func_get_arg(0);
			$m = func_get_arg(1);
			$y = func_get_arg(2);
			$k = func_get_arg(3);
			$this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
			$this->FillColor = '0 g';
	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor);
	if($this->page > 0)

public function SetTextColor() {
	//Set color for text
	switch(func_num_args()) {
		case 1:
			$g = func_get_arg(0);
			$this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $g / 100);
		case 3:
			$r = func_get_arg(0);
			$g = func_get_arg(1);
			$b = func_get_arg(2);
			$this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
		case 4:
			$c = func_get_arg(0);
			$m = func_get_arg(1);
			$y = func_get_arg(2);
			$k = func_get_arg(3);
			$this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
			$this->TextColor = '0 g';
	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor);

 * END pdf-cmyk.php by Fernando Herrero

public static function strip ($dirty=array())
	if (is_array($dirty))
		foreach ($dirty as $key=> $dirtyValue)
			$clean[$key] = self::strip($dirtyValue);
	} else {
		$double	= substr_count($dirty, "\"") == substr_count($dirty, "\\\"");
		$single	= substr_count($dirty, "'") == substr_count($dirty, "\\'");
		$clean	= self::encodeString( ($double && $single)? stripslashes($dirty): $dirty );
	return $clean;

public static function encode_string ($string)
	# create a utf32 string for comparison
	$utf32_string	= mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');

	# convert the utf32 string back to utf8, if it matches then the passed string is utf8
	if ($string === mb_convert_encoding($utf32_string , 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32'))
		return $string;
	# otherwise it's not and should be converted
	} else {
		return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8');

public function NbLines($w, $string)
	$string = self::encode_string($string);

	if ($this->FontSize < 0)
		return 0;

	$font_widths	= $this->CurrentFont['cw'];

	$max_width		= ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize;

	$string			= str_replace("\r", '', $string);

	$string_length	= mb_strlen($string, $this->_encoding);

	if (mb_substr($string, $string_length-1, 1, $this->_encoding) === "\n")
		$string = mb_substr($string, 0, $string_length-1, $this->_encoding);

	$last_space		= -1;
	$char_pos		= 0;
	$j				= 0;
	$line_length	= 0;
	$line_count		= 1;

	while($char = mb_substr($string, $char_pos, 1, $this->_encoding))
		list(,$char_code) = unpack('N', mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UCS-4BE', $this->_encoding));

		$char_width = isset($font_widths[$char_code])? $font_widths[$char_code]: 0;

		if($char === "\n")
			$last_space		= -1;
			$j				= $char_pos;
			$line_length	= 0;


		if($char === ' ')
			$last_space = $char_pos;

		$line_length += $char_width;

		if($line_length > $max_width)
			if($last_space == -1)
				($char_pos == $j)  &&  $char_pos++;

			} else {

				$char_pos = $last_space+1;

			$last_space		= -1;
			$j				= $char_pos;
			$line_length	= 0;


	return $line_count;


require ‘FPDI-1.4/fpdi.php’;

chdir( $cwd );

got this error

PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of FPDF::SetDrawColor() should be compatible with tFPDF::SetDrawColor($r, $g = NULL, $b = NULL) in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/squid/lib/card_pdf.php on line 11

i forgot to say i have php 5.4


  $cwd = getcwd();
  chdir( dirname(__FILE__) );
  require 'tfpdf/tfpdf.php';
class FPDF extends tFPDF 
	private $_encoding = 'UTF-8';

	var $angle=0;

	public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
		    $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

Please help with this…

Can’t believe no one can fix this here

It is an issue with either the library or your version of PHP. Not much to do. Why are you using FPDF?

but the code is fixable

private $_encoding = 'UTF-8';

I changed it to

$encoding = 'UTF-8';

and that fixed it

then i had to fix more errors that pop’d up

public function Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)

changed it too:

Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)

and that fixed that and so on

now i am at this error:


$cwd = getcwd();

chdir( dirname(FILE) );

require ‘tfpdf/tfpdf.php’;

class FPDF extends tFPDF {}
$encoding = ‘UTF-8’;


Rotate($angle, $x=-1, $y=-1)
	    $this->_out(sprintf('q %.5f %.5f %.5f %.5f %.2f %.2f cm 1 0 0 1 %.2f %.2f cm', $c, $s, -$s, $c, $cx, $cy, -$cx, -$cy));

	Author	: Fernando Herrero
	Mail	: fherrero[at]
	Program	: pdf-cmyk.php
	License	: GPL v2
	Description: Allow to use CMYK color space:
				 SetDrawColor() => Set draw color to black
				 SetDrawColor(int gray) => value in % (0 = black, 100 = white)
				 SetDrawColor(int red, int green, int blue) => 0 to 255
				 SetDrawColor(int cyan, int magenta, int yellow, int black) => values in % (0 to 100)
				 SetFillColor and SetTextColor same as SetDrawColor
	Date	   : 2004-01-22

function SetDrawColor() {
//Set color for all stroking operations
switch(func_num_args()) {
case 1:
$g = func_get_arg(0);
$this->DrawColor = sprintf(’%.3F G’, $g / 100);
case 3:
$r = func_get_arg(0);
$g = func_get_arg(1);
$b = func_get_arg(2);
$this->DrawColor = sprintf(’%.3F %.3F %.3F RG’, $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
case 4:
$c = func_get_arg(0);
$m = func_get_arg(1);
$y = func_get_arg(2);
$k = func_get_arg(3);
$this->DrawColor = sprintf(’%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F K’, $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
$this->DrawColor = ‘0 G’;
if($this->page > 0)

function SetFillColor() {
    //Set color for all filling operations
    switch(func_num_args()) {
        case 1:
            $g = func_get_arg(0);
            $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $g / 100);
        case 3:
            $r = func_get_arg(0);
            $g = func_get_arg(1);
            $b = func_get_arg(2);
            $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
        case 4:
            $c = func_get_arg(0);
            $m = func_get_arg(1);
            $y = func_get_arg(2);
            $k = func_get_arg(3);
            $this->FillColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
            $this->FillColor = '0 g';
    $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor);
    if($this->page > 0)

function SetTextColor() {
    //Set color for text
    switch(func_num_args()) {
        case 1:
            $g = func_get_arg(0);
            $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F g', $g / 100);
        case 3:
            $r = func_get_arg(0);
            $g = func_get_arg(1);
            $b = func_get_arg(2);
            $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg', $r / 255, $g / 255, $b / 255);
        case 4:
            $c = func_get_arg(0);
            $m = func_get_arg(1);
            $y = func_get_arg(2);
            $k = func_get_arg(3);
            $this->TextColor = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', $c / 100, $m / 100, $y / 100, $k / 100);
            $this->TextColor = '0 g';
    $this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor);


 * END pdf-cmyk.php by Fernando Herrero

public static function strip ($dirty=array())
	if (is_array($dirty))
		foreach ($dirty as $key=> $dirtyValue)
			$clean[$key] = self::strip($dirtyValue);
	} else {
		$double	= substr_count($dirty, "\"") == substr_count($dirty, "\\\"");
		$single	= substr_count($dirty, "'") == substr_count($dirty, "\\'");
		$clean	= self::encodeString( ($double && $single)? stripslashes($dirty): $dirty );
	return $clean;

public static function encode_string ($string)
	# create a utf32 string for comparison
	$utf32_string	= mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-32', 'UTF-8');

	# convert the utf32 string back to utf8, if it matches then the passed string is utf8
	if ($string === mb_convert_encoding($utf32_string , 'UTF-8', 'UTF-32'))
		return $string;
	# otherwise it's not and should be converted
	} else {
		return mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8');

public function NbLines($w, $string)
	$string = self::encode_string($string);

	if ($this->FontSize < 0)
		return 0;

	$font_widths	= $this->CurrentFont['cw'];

	$max_width		= ($w - 2 * $this->cMargin) * 1000 / $this->FontSize;

	$string			= str_replace("\r", '', $string);

	$string_length	= mb_strlen($string, $this->_encoding);

	if (mb_substr($string, $string_length-1, 1, $this->_encoding) === "\n")
		$string = mb_substr($string, 0, $string_length-1, $this->_encoding);

	$last_space		= -1;
	$char_pos		= 0;
	$j				= 0;
	$line_length	= 0;
	$line_count		= 1;

	while($char = mb_substr($string, $char_pos, 1, $this->_encoding))
		list(,$char_code) = unpack('N', mb_convert_encoding($char, 'UCS-4BE', $this->_encoding));

		$char_width = isset($font_widths[$char_code])? $font_widths[$char_code]: 0;

		if($char === "\n")
			$last_space		= -1;
			$j				= $char_pos;
			$line_length	= 0;


		if($char === ' ')
			$last_space = $char_pos;

		$line_length += $char_width;

		if($line_length > $max_width)
			if($last_space == -1)
				($char_pos == $j)  &&  $char_pos++;

			} else {

				$char_pos = $last_space+1;

			$last_space		= -1;
			$j				= $char_pos;
			$line_length	= 0;


	return $line_count;


require ‘FPDI-1.4/fpdi.php’;

chdir( $cwd );[/code]

PHP Syntax Check: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '{' in your code on line 17

[php] class FPDF extends tFPDF {}

Not going to go around in circles with this. That was on page 1.

I am doing what you tell me, if i am not doing it correct then your not explaining it to me correctly
Your making it seem like i am a pro and obviously since i see where the error is i should be able to fix this and this is a done issue.
But that’s not the case.

I explained before, that this,

[php] class FPDF extends tFPDF {}

is not right, and gave examples.

[php] class FPDF extends tFPDF { /* this is your class block because of the brackets */ }
{ // this is off in it’s own little world and shouldn’t exists, because you said your class is already closed[/php]

You still haven’t said why you need FPDF

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