
Select BluePacBank

Select a bank <?php $sqll = "SELECT * FROM bpbank"; $sql_run = mysqli_query($connect,$sqll); if(mysqli_num_rows($sql_run)){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($sql_run)){ ?> <?php $option ?> = "><?php echo $row['bank_name']; ?> <?php echo $option; }; }; ?>

As you can see i have selected all data from a table called bpbank(column names: bank_name, address, swift_code,bin_no). I am showing those data in a drop down list, where i put all the values in the option values="". Now upon submit i want to carry all these data to another table, name:client bank, having the same columns and column names. How do i do it, since all the values in the option are having the same input name given in the which is advising_bank.
I would appreciate if someone would look into this
thanks in advance!!

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