Hello, I’m no expert but I’ve done a small project for my self and had lots of fun making it. If you want to do ir yourself first thing I will do is draw everything I would think I will need.
you know like a structure, and start from the beginning. I read you already done some stuff.
To do similar task that the ones you mention, I’ve used html, css, javascript, and php.
First of all you need a portal to login and create accounts. So you will use html and some css to do something like a form. Then some php and mysql to be able to store users, create future post, edit stuff, etc.
To do a proper secure connection using php and database I was recommend with pdo so I recommend what I’m using:
I’ve have installed xammp to have a local server in my computer, then later uploaded everything when i had it kinda of ready.
The manual is in danish to, I always try to go to the manual and search there first, look examples generate something, try stuff then if I get really stuck I ask for help. But u must know what you are talking about, or have some code your working on, etc.
If your going to want user to be logged and be able to go from page one, two, three and maintain the variables like user name, or specific user stuff like user only pages then you are going to want to read about “Sessions”.
To make a control panel, once you have done the login system and maybe the post articles section, etc… of your site plus the stuff you already know, your going to be able to do a simple control panel or dashboard where you can update, change variables of the website, like editing a post, delete, or even silly stuff like change the website background color.
Its easy to set up since you can determinate a variable or a list for specific users to have more options on their control panel, like and admin having a delete button in a post for example.
The mail system I’m not that sure, I’ve made a simple contact form that sends email to me if someone has a trouble, and it works pretty much like any other form. But I know hosting gives mailing tools like [email protected] and you can set accs.
Or you mean like sending messages from user to user inside the web? like forums?
I hope my experience is not too vague or too superficial, but I am also new. But I think that once you start with a structure which you propose, things are coming out and more and more finding how to do them, it is a matter of practice and doing things.