PHP - magic quotes

Getting below error while running my website

SCRIPT_START_TIME: “.SCRIPT_START_TIME); // magic_quotes_gpc needs to be “on” if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==0) { $_GET = ms_addslashes($_GET); $_POST = ms_addslashes($_POST); $_COOKIE = ms_addslashes($_COOKIE); @extract($_GET); @extract($_POST); } else { $_GET = ms_trim($_GET); $_POST = ms_trim($_POST); $_COOKIE = ms_trim($_COOKIE); import_request_variables(‘gp’); } // magic_quotes_runtime needs to be “off” if(get_magic_quotes_runtime()) { set_magic_quotes_runtime(0); } // load plugins if ($handle = opendir(SITE_FS_PATH.’/’.PLUGINS_DIR)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != “.” && $file != “…”) { $curr_dir = SITE_FS_PATH.’/’.PLUGINS_DIR.’/’.$file; if(is_dir($curr_dir)) { if(file_exists($curr_dir.’/midas_plugin.php’)) { require_once($curr_dir.’/midas_plugin.php’); } } } } closedir($handle); } $BASENAME = basename($_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]); // Protect admin pages $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER[‘PHP_SELF’]; $admin_pos = strpos($PHP_SELF, ‘/’.ADMIN_DIR.’/’); if($admin_pos !== false) { // Remove following comment to enable admin login check protect_admin_page(); } $AdminEmail=db_scalar(“select admin_email from tbl_admin where admin_id=‘1’”); $_SESSION[‘ADMIN_EMAIL’]=”$AdminEmail"; /Updating members who have not signed out properly/ $previous_datetime=date(“Y-m-d H:i:s”, mktime(date(‘H’),date(‘i’),date(‘s’),date(‘m’),date(‘d’)-1,date(‘Y’))); //db_query(“update ques_questions set user_online_status=‘No’ where user_online_date <=’$previous_datetime’”); define(ACCESS_ID,“303”); ?>

Please put format your code using the <> button and sad to say but throw that script in File 13 as magic quotes was one of the worse ideas in the PHP language. It’s obsolete.

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Hello Sir, Thank you for your comment. I really dont know what to do. can I share you my file. Please have a look at this test domain.

place your code between the [ code] and [/code] tags. Remove the single space character before the word code.

Also, tell us what error you are getting.

Is PHP configured properly? That is a windows server.

You are showing us some output of your script! Not an error and not the code.
A wild guess would be that the code just before this:
is bad! Most likely, you have a missing quote or double-quote and it is displaying your code as text not processing your code. We can NOT help you without seeing the 2 or 3 lines just before this part!
AND, again, you mention an error, but, do not show it. Please help US to help you!

Are there opening php tags?


Complete code is here please check and help

error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);

if ($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == "localhost") {
    define('LOCAL_MODE', true);

else {
 	define('LOCAL_MODE', false);

// File system path
$tmp = dirname(__FILE__);
$tmp = str_replace('\\' ,'/',$tmp);
$tmp = substr($tmp, 0, strrpos($tmp, '/'));
define('SITE_FS_PATH', $tmp); 
// include all the library files needed here

$CURRENT_SUB_PATH = str_replace(SITE_FS_PATH, '/', dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));

$plugin_pos  = strpos($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], '/'.PLUGINS_DIR.'/');
if($plugin_pos !== false) {
	$CURRENT_PLUGIN = substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $plugin_pos + strlen(PLUGINS_DIR)+2);
	$slash_pos = $plugin_pos  = strpos($CURRENT_PLUGIN, '/');
	$CURRENT_PLUGIN = substr($CURRENT_PLUGIN, 0, $slash_pos);

// Script start time used to test site performance
define('SCRIPT_START_TIME', getmicrotime());

// magic_quotes_gpc needs to be "on"
if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()==0) {
	$_GET		= ms_addslashes($_GET);
	$_POST		= ms_addslashes($_POST);
	$_COOKIE	= ms_addslashes($_COOKIE);
} else {
	$_GET		= ms_trim($_GET);
	$_POST		= ms_trim($_POST);
	$_COOKIE	= ms_trim($_COOKIE);

// magic_quotes_runtime needs to be "off"
if(get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {

// load plugins
if ($handle = opendir(SITE_FS_PATH.'/'.PLUGINS_DIR)) { 
   while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { 
       if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { 
		   $curr_dir = SITE_FS_PATH.'/'.PLUGINS_DIR.'/'.$file;
           if(is_dir($curr_dir)) {
			   if(file_exists($curr_dir.'/midas_plugin.php')) {

$BASENAME = basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);

// Protect admin pages
$admin_pos  = strpos($PHP_SELF, '/'.ADMIN_DIR.'/');
if($admin_pos !== false) {
	// Remove following comment to enable admin login check
$AdminEmail=db_scalar("select admin_email from tbl_admin where admin_id='1'");

/*Updating members who have not signed out properly*/
$previous_datetime=date("Y-m-d H:i:s", mktime(date('H'),date('i'),date('s'),date('m'),date('d')-1,date('Y')));
//db_query("update ques_questions set user_online_status='No' where user_online_date <='$previous_datetime'");

use full php tags, like I posted here

I am shock finally the error is gone but this is appear
This page isn’t working

test dot karthikresorts dot come is currently unable to handle this request.

what is cause of this.

It wasn’t an error, it wasn’t being processed as PHP, because you were using asp tags.

You have other errors, from the other files I explored, you have the tag issue on every script I saw and likely will have to go through all of your pages to debug each one.

what to do now pleae suggest

Go through each page and fix the issues or pay someone else to do so that it will function

Can you help me and take my system on remote by teamviewer

or pay someone else

nthing is free in this world right

It will take some work, quite a bit of it to get everything functional.

I have quite a bit of my own work to get done as well so I don’t have any incentive to add to it without reason.

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