Php image resize and rename..URGENT

I have a working multiple image upload. It uploads multiple pictures to my images/regular folder fine, but i also want it to resize when I upload the image. Right now, it only resizes the first one. I also want it to have a naming convention number so if my image name was bellTower, and I upload multiple under the same category, I want it be name like so: bellTower01.jpg, bellTower02.jpg, bellTower03.jpg…bellTower25.jpg. I really need help on this, I 've been stuck on this for two weeks now.

Here is my doUpload.php:




if($_POST[“uploadFile”] !="")
$counter = 24;

for ($i=1; $i<6; $i++)  

        $fileExt = strrchr($_FILES['userfile'.$i]['name'],".");  
        if($fileExt != ".jpg" && $fileExt != ".gif")  
            $_SESSION["badFileType"] = "You cannot upload a file of type ".$fileExt;  
                $fileName = $_FILES['userfile'.$i]['name'];  
                    echo "Problem: possible file upload attack!";  
            $upfile = "images/regular/".$_POST["category"].$counter.".jpg";  
            //this is for resize  
            $newFileName = $_POST["category"].$counter.".jpg";  
            while (file_exists($upfile)) {  
                          $new_counter = sprintf("%02d",$i);  
                          $file_name = substr($newFileName, 0, strlen($pic_name)-6);  
                          $file_extension = substr($newFileName, strlen($newFileName)-6, strlen($newFileName));  
                          $frand = $file_name.$new_counter.$file_extension;  
                          $upfile = "images/regular".$_POST["category"].$new_counter.".jpg";  
                    if (isset($new_counter)) {  
                          $upfile = "images/regular/".$_POST["category"].$new_counter.".jpg";  
                          $newFileName = $_POST["category"].$new_counter.".jpg";  
            if(!copy($_FILES['userfile'.$i]['tmp_name'], $upfile))  
                echo "Problem: cannot upload file to directory.";  
                $_SESSION["badFileType"] = "File uploaded successfully";      
            } //end of file check and upload  
} //end of for loop  

$_SESSION[“badFileType”] = “”;

        /// RESIZING IMAGE  
    $dir            = "./images/regular/";  
    $thdir          = "./images/th/";  
    $img            = $newFileName;  
    resizejpeg($dir, $thdir, $img, 160, 120, "thumb_");  
    $_SESSION["badFileType"] .= "<br>File Sucessfully Resized!";  

header(“Location: upload2.php”);

// function resizejpeg
// creates a resized image based on the max width
// specified as well as generates a thumbnail from
// a rectangle cut from the middle of the image.
// @dir = directory image is stored in
// @newdir = directory new image will be stored in
// @img = the image name
// @max_w = the max width of the resized image
// @max_h = the max height of the resized image
// @prefix = the prefix of the resized image

function resizejpeg($dir, $newdir, $img, $max_w, $max_h, $prefix)
// set destination directory
if (!$newdir) $newdir = $dir;

// get original images width and height
list($or_w, $or_h, $or_t) = getimagesize($dir.$img);

// make sure image is a jpeg
if ($or_t == 2)

   // obtain the image's ratio  
   $ratio = ($or_h / $or_w);  

   // original image  
   $or_image = imagecreatefromjpeg($dir.$img);  

   // resize image?  
   if ($or_w > $max_w || $or_h > $max_h) {  

       // resize by height, then width (height dominant)  
       if ($max_h < $max_w) {  
           $rs_h = $max_h;  
           $rs_w = $rs_h / $ratio;  
       // resize by width, then height (width dominant)  
       else {  
           $rs_w = $max_w;  
           $rs_h = $ratio * $rs_w;  

       // copy old image to new image  
       $rs_image = imagecreatetruecolor($rs_w, $rs_h);  
       imagecopyresampled($rs_image, $or_image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $rs_w, $rs_h, $or_w, $or_h);  
   // image requires no resizing  
   else {  
       $rs_w = $or_w;  
       $rs_h = $or_h;  

       $rs_image = $or_image;  

   // generate resized image  
   imagejpeg($rs_image, $newdir.$prefix.$img, 100);  

   return true;  


// Image type was not jpeg!
return false;


Here is my upload.php page:
echo("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>");

Lab 08 - Upload2 ul{ list-style:none; margin-top:5px;} ul li{ display:block; float:left; width:100%; height:1%;} ul li label{ float:left; padding:7px; color:#6666ff} ul li input, ul li textarea, ul li select{ float:right; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:3px; font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif; width:60%;} li input:focus, li textarea:focus{ border:1px solid #666; } fieldset{ padding:10px; border:1px solid #ccc; width:400px; overflow:auto; margin:10px;} legend{ color:#000099; margin:0 10px 0 0; padding:0 5px; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; } label span{ color:#ff0000; } fieldset#info {position:absolute; top:100px; left:20px; width:460px; } fieldset#submit {position:absolute; top:350px; left:20px; width:460px; text-align:center; } fieldset input#SubmitBtn{ background:#E5E5E5; color:#000099; border:1px solid #ccc; padding:5px; width:150px;} div#errorMsg {color:#ff0000; font-weight:bold; font-size:12pt; position:absolute; top:410px; left:25px;} div#newLogin {color:#0000ff; font-size:12pt; position:absolute; top:350px; left:25px;}

Lab 08 - Upload2

<?php include("includes/menu.php"); ?> Upload Multiple Files
  • Category:
  • File 1: *
  • File 2: *
  • File 3: *
  • File 4: *
  • File 5: *
<?php if(!empty($_SESSION["badFileType"])){echo($_SESSION["badFileType"]);} ?>
<?php $_SESSION["badFileType"] = ""; ?> [/php]
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