PHP Help Needed

Hi everyone,
I’m new to this form and obviously pretty new to PHP. I’m currently in a couple of classes, one of which is a PHP class. We’re several weeks in already and I’m by no means failing, but I’m starting to run into trouble and the instructor is rather picky on the coding quite often. I only know one other person who knows PHP, and they don’t have the time to help, or that’s what they say. I was wondering if I could communicate with someone regularly, and if I had trouble with PHP, they could give me some help. I would be willing to even pay that person for their time. I’m by no means wanting someone to do my homework as I’d like to learn but there are occasions where I’m at a dead end. I’m in the United States, if that matters any.

I look forward to looking around on here and seeing what all is talked about!


Just use the forum and ask questions when you have them :slight_smile:

I can definitely do that as well :stuck_out_tongue:

If you ask here then other people can learn at the same time. No matter how big or small… just ask :slight_smile:

I’ll backup Matt’s response, if you need help, just ask :wink:

You can contact me anytime you like, I’ll try my best to answer your questions in a way which lead you to the conclusion you require as opposed to giving you the answer straight out. :wink:

Welcome to the forum by the way.
Red :wink:

Thanks everyone. :slight_smile: Sounds good. I will definitely keep this thread bookmarked so I can bug you both! lol j/k

Just post away, but if you’re asking for code help, just be sure to include what you’re having issues with. We’re all happy to take a look at you have and make suggestions.

Welcome to the world of grey hair and tons of fustrations :slight_smile:

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