PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceed


I am facing an issue while accessing a mysql db using a php script. The no. of records (result records) are expecting to be more than 7000. The error i get is "PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in d:domainsradiant.inwwwrootinssearch.php on line 115 "
Pls help its very critical for me.

Nishant Gupta

php has a maximum execution time, to avoid running etarlnaly on infinit loops.

anyway with 30 secs ur script is to long, try using limit:
[php]$resource=mysql_query(‘SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY field LIMIT ‘.intval($_GET[‘limit’]).’, 100’);[/php]

and use a link to get the rest:
[php]echo ‘previous next’;[/php]

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