Here’s full code sir PHDR
function leave_apps($leave_apps_id = '')
$lgu_code = $this->Settings->get_selected_field('lgu_code');
if ( $lgu_code == 'Calabarzon' )
$rows = $this->Leave_apps->get_leave_apps_info($leave_apps_id);
$name = $this->Employee->get_employee_info($rows['employee_id']);
$office_name = $this->Office->get_office_name($name['office_id']);
// initiate FPDI
$pdf = new FPDI('P', 'mm', 'A4');
// add a page
// set the sourcefile
// select the first page
$tplIdx = $pdf->importPage(1);
// use the page we imported
// set font, font style, font size.
// set initial placement
// line break
$pdf->Write(0, 'Tracking no: '.$leave_apps_id);
//ID number
$pdf->Write(0, ' '.$rows['employee_id']);
// go to 25 X (indent)
$this->Office->fields = array('office_code');
$office = $this->Office->get_office_info($name['office_id']);
// write office
$pdf->Write(0, $office['office_code']);
$pdf->Write(0, $name['lname']);
$pdf->Write(0, $name['fname']);
$pdf->Write(0, $name['mname'][0].'.');
//date of file
$pdf->Write(0, date("F d, Y", strtotime($rows['date_encode'])));
$pdf->Write(0, $name['position']);
// We need to check what salary grade the office use
if ( $office['salary_grade_type'] == 'hospital' )
$this->Salary_grade->salary_grade_type = 'hospital';
//monthly salary
$pdf->Write(0, 'P '.number_format($this->Salary_grade->get_monthly_salary($name['salary_grade'], $name['step']), 2));
$leave_name = $this->Leave_type->get_leave_name($rows['leave_type_id']);
$leave_type_ids = array(1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12);
if (in_array($rows['leave_type_id'], $leave_type_ids))
$pdf->Write(0, 'X');
if ( $rows['leave_type_id'] == 1 )
$leave_name = '';
$pdf->Write(0, $leave_name);
$leave_type_ids = array(2, 11, 20);
if (in_array($rows['leave_type_id'], $leave_type_ids))
$pdf->Write(0, 'X');
if ( $rows['leave_type_id'] == 2 )
$leave_name = '';
$pdf->Write(0, $leave_name);
if ($rows['leave_type_id'] == 1)
$pdf->Write(0, 'X');
if ($rows['leave_type_id'] == 2)
$pdf->Write(0, 'X');
//$pdf->Write(0, 'City of Puerto Pricesa');
$pdf->SetXY(35, 128);
$days = 'day';
if ($rows['days'] > 1)
$days = 'days';
$pdf->Write(0, $rows['days'].' '.$days);
$date_leave = $this->Helps->get_month_name($rows['month']).' '.$rows['multiple'].', '.$rows['year'];
if ($rows['multiple5'] != '')
$date_leave .= ' - '.$this->Helps->get_month_name($rows['month5']).' '.$rows['multiple5'].', '.$rows['year5'];
$pdf->Write(0, $date_leave);
$last_earn = $this->Leave_card->get_last_earn($rows['employee_id']);
//$last_earn = date('F d, Y', strtotime($last_earn));
if ( $last_earn != '')
$last_earn = date('F d, Y', strtotime($last_earn));
$last_earn = date('F d, Y');
//$vbalance = $this->Leave_balance->get_leave_balance(1, $rows['employee_id']);
//$sbalance = $this->Leave_balance->get_leave_balance(2, $rows['employee_id']);
$credits = $this->Leave_card->get_total_leave_credits($rows['employee_id']);
$pdf->Write(0, $last_earn);
//$pdf->Write(0, $vbalance);
$pdf->Write(0, $credits['vacation']);
//$pdf->Write(0, $sbalance);
$pdf->Write(0, $credits['sick']);
$total_leave_balance = $credits['vacation'] + $credits['sick'];
$pdf->Write(0, $total_leave_balance);
// set font, font style, font size.
//$pdf->Write(0, number_format($vacation_leave, 3));
//$pdf->Write(0, number_format($sick_leave, 3));
//$pdf->Write(0, number_format($vacation_leave + $sick_leave, 3));
//date for the day
//$pdf->Write(0, date('jS'));
//$pdf->Write(0, date('F'));
//$pdf->Write(0, date('Y'));
//MR or MS. request
$statement_certified = $this->Settings->get_selected_field('statement_certified');
$statement_certified_position = $this->Settings->get_selected_field('statement_certified_position');
$pdf->SetFillColor(255, 255, 255);
// define the mapping of office code/order id to signatory values
$sig_map = [];
$sig_map['15|0'] = 'Meriam Dumlao';
$sig_map['15|1'] = 'Jonathan Vega';
// add elements to this array for other combinations ...
// form an index consisting of the office code and order id value
$index = $office['office_id'] .'|'. $divisions['order_id'];
// given the index value, retrieve the signatory value
$signature = $sig_map[$index];
// output the data
$pdf->Write(0, $signature);
header('Cache-Control: maxage=3600'); //Adjust maxage appropriately
header('Pragma: public');
$pdf->Output('dtr/reports/leave-apps-'.$rows['employee_id'].'.pdf', 'I');
//redirect(base_url().'dtr/reports/leave-apps-'.$rows['employee_id'].'.pdf', 'refresh');
Thanks a lot for you help sir. Highly appreciated.