Hi all
Here is a piece of PHP code making substitutions in elements of an array $this->_equations :
for ($i = ($currentEquationRank + 1); $i < $nbrEquations; $i++) {
logError("i", $i);
logError("this->_equations[0] avant substitution", $this->_equations[0]->displayEquation());
logError("this->_equations[0] après substitution", $this->_equations[0]->displayEquation());
When i=18, my log reports:
this->_equations[0] avant substitution
{"boundVar":0} = {"baseType":"P"}
this->_equations[0] après substitution
{"baseType":"P"} = {"baseType":"P"}
I don’t understand why this->_equations[0] would change while we are acting on another element of the array.
Here is below the code of the functions getType1 and getType2 ($this->_type1 and $this->_type2 are arrays supposed to be cloned in $res):
public function getType1()
$res = $this->_type1;
return $res;
public function getType2()
$res = $this->_type2;
return $res;
Would someone have hints to make me understand please ?