Hi, can someone please help to such?
I thought it had absolutely crazy
A need encode string in 7-bit and make 1bit padding.
My function is:
public function encode7bit($text, $paddingBits = false){
$ret = ‘’;
$data = str_split($text);
$mask = 0xFF;
$shift = 0;
$len = count($data);
//$paddingBits = 1;
$shift = 7 - $paddingBits;
$ret .= substr($text, 0, 1) << (7 - $shift);
for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
$char = ord($data[$i]) & 0x7F; // only 7bits
$nextChar = ($i+1 < $len) ? (ord($data[$i+1]) & 0x7F) : 0; // only 7bits
if ($shift == 7) { $shift = 0; continue; }
$carry = ($nextChar & ((($mask << ($shift+1)) ^ 0xFF) & 0xFF));
$digit = (($carry << (7-$shift)) | ($char >> $shift) ) & 0xFF;
$ret .= chr($digit);
$str = unpack('H*', $ret);
return $str[1];
Thank you for any help