<?php $per_page_b = 24; $sql_b = "select * from profile "; $rsd_b = mysql_query($sql_b); $count_b = mysql_num_rows($rsd_b); $pages_b = ceil($count_b/$per_page_b) ?> <div id="orta"></div>
<div id="paging_button">
//Show page links
for($i_b=1; $i_b<=$pages_b; $i_b++)
echo '<li id="'.$i_b.'">'.$i_b.'</li>';
<?php $per_page_bs = 4; $sqlc_bs = "show columns from profile "; $rsdc_bs = mysql_query($sqlc_bs); $cols_bs = mysql_num_rows($rsdc_bs); $page_bs = $_REQUEST['page']; $start_bs = ($page_bs-1)*4; $sql_bs = "select id,resim0,adi,fiyat,big,adres from profile where big=1 order by rand() limit $start_bs,4"; $rsd_bs = mysql_query($sql_bs); ?> <?php while ($rows_bs = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsd_bs)) { echo'This is my pagination script.
I am trying to ramdomize the results so that everyone has a chance of being on the first page, but I don’t know how to hold it after the first page, when I click on page 2, it randomizes the results again, and puts some of the ones on the first page on the second.
What can i do?