Fully admit rookie & I’ve tried several different trial and error attempts with no luck.
So I found this code to mark new posts for returning users:
[php]function wpb_lastvisit_the_title ( $title, $id ) {
if ( !in_the_loop() || is_singular() || get_post_type( $id ) == ‘page’ ) return $title;
// if no cookie then just return the title
if ( !isset($_COOKIE[‘lastvisit’]) || $_COOKIE[‘lastvisit’] == ‘’ ) return $title;
$lastvisit = $_COOKIE[‘lastvisit’];
$publish_date = get_post_time( ‘U’, true, $id );
if ($publish_date > $lastvisit) $title .= ‘New’;
return $title;
add_filter( ‘the_title’, ‘wpb_lastvisit_the_title’, 10, 2);
// Set the lastvisit cookie
function wpb_lastvisit_set_cookie() {
if ( is_admin() ) return;
$current = current_time( ‘timestamp’, 1);
setcookie( ‘lastvisit’, $current, time()+60+60247, COOKIEPATH, COOKIE_DOMAIN );
add_action( ‘init’, ‘wpb_lastvisit_set_cookie’ );
I have added it to the site and it works. However, I’m trying to move the “New” to be at the beginning of the title. I tried swapping the two strings but it doesn’ work (i.e.)
[php]if ($publish_date > $lastvisit) ‘New’ .= $title;[/php]
So is it possible to put the “New” at the beginning of the title? Why won’t switching the two strings in the above if statement work?
Thank you in advance.