It’s not that we DON’T help with third party scripts, it’s just that the BEST resource for them is the AUTHOR and their support site. This site is devoted more to helping people with DEVELOPING their own scripts or modifying them and resolving problems that might not be clear in the PHP documentation (or elsewhere).
If indeed you cannot get help from the author of the original script (or their support site), please bring your questions back HOWEVER, keep in mind that this is a FREE site (at least for most people) and that everyone here volunteers their time to help. If they can (and are willing to) they will. You can help yourself get better responses by providing enough pertinent information to help us help you resolve the issue.
Questions like:I Installed it and it doesn’t work… What do I do? will note get any useful responses (but will likely get responses telling you not to ask questions like that… Most of those will be less than polite).
Include what you did, code snippets (don’t provide an entire page of 2000 lines of code when you only need to focus on 30 lines…), Operating system and version, webserver and version, etc… Also please take a look at the posting guidelines at for our posting guidelines.