I need help very badly. This is for a school project.
I am a beginner to php and i’m trying to creat a simple webshop. I am able to insert all order details into my database execpt for the product id (vare_id). I have had this problem for many weeks with no avail. In my example below you can see the insert. I have to manyally insert the product id, which is 2.
$INSERT2 = “INSERT Into bestilling_has_vare (bestilling_bestilling_id, vare_vare_id, vare_varenavn, kvantum) values(’$last_id’, ‘2’, ‘{$values[“varenavn”]}’, ‘{$values[“kvantum”]}’)”;
When i try to use the product id then it doesn’t do anything. I can echo different values like the product name, but when i do so with the product id then there is nothing there. Here is some more of the code.
$item_array_id = array_column($_SESSION["shopping_cart"], "vare_id");
if(!in_array($_GET["vare_id"], $item_array_id))
$count = count($_SESSION["shopping_cart"]);
$item_array = array(
'vare_id' => $_POST["vare_id"],
'varenavn' => $_POST["hidden_name"],
'varepris' => $_POST["hidden_price"],
'kvantum' => $_POST["kvantum"]
$_SESSION["shopping_cart"][$count] = $item_array;
echo '<script>alert("Item Already Added")</script>';
echo '<script>window.location="varer.php"</script>';
$item_array = array(
'vare_id' => $_POST["vare_id"],
'varenavn' => $_POST["hidden_name"],
'varepris' => $_POST["hidden_price"],
'kvantum' => $_POST["kvantum"]
$_SESSION["shopping_cart"][0] = $item_array;
if($_GET["action"] == "delete")
foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)
if($values["vare_id"] == $_GET["vare_id"])
echo '<script>alert("Vare tatt vekk")</script>';
echo '<script>window.location="varer.php"</script>';
$gateadresse = $_POST['gateadresse'];
$gatenr = $_POST['gatenr'];
$mobil = $_POST['mobil'];
$postnummer = $_POST['postnummer'];
$INSERT = "INSERT Into bestilling (gateadresse, users_id, gatenr, mobil, postnummer) values('$gateadresse', '{$_SESSION["id"]}', '$gatenr', '$mobil', '$postnummer')";
if ($conn->query($INSERT) === TRUE) {
$last_id = $conn->insert_id;
mysqli_query($conn, $INSERT);
foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)
$INSERT2 = "INSERT Into bestilling_has_vare (bestilling_bestilling_id, vare_vare_id, vare_varenavn, kvantum) values('$last_id', '2', '{$values["varenavn"]}', '{$values["kvantum"]}')";
mysqli_query($conn, $INSERT2);
I chose the values from inside the body to the website. This is the php part in the body.
foreach($_SESSION["shopping_cart"] as $keys => $values)
<td><?php echo $values["varenavn"]; ?></td>
<td><?php echo $values["kvantum"]; ?></td>
<td>$ <?php echo $values["varepris"]; ?></td>
<td>$ <?php echo number_format($values["kvantum"] * $values["varepris"], 2); ?></td>
<td><a href="handlevogn.php?action=delete&id=<?php echo $values["vare_id"]; ?>"><span class="text-danger">Slett</span></a></td>
$total = $total + ($values["kvantum"] * $values["varepris"]);
<td colspan="3" align="right">Total</td>
<td align="right">$ <?php echo number_format($total, 2); ?></td>
Does anyone know what’s wrong? I havn’t found any solution to this.