Lately, just on my home computer, I get this warning when I use INSERT( …) VALUES(…)
Just as an example, say I have:
$mysql = 'INSERT INTO allstudentsAnswers20BEHW(studentnr, name, weeknr, score, Answer1, Answer2, Answer3) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
$mystmt = $pdo->prepare($mysql);
$mystmt->execute([$studentnr, $studentname, $weeknr, $score, $q1, $q2, $q3)
This works OK, but I get this message:
Warning: #1287 ‘VALUES function’ is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use an alias (INSERT INTO … VALUES (…) AS alias) and replace VALUES(col) in the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE clause with alias.col instead.
What should the new command look like??
I do not get this on my webpage , at least I haven’t noticed it.