I am not sure if this is the correct place to post this… I am creating a blog, and I have two databases - one is the manager and contains the manager table and the other is blog database which stores each thread in a different table…
So when a user enters a new post, it enters the details - post name, author, date etc., and then using mysql_inser_id(), I get the previous id as $last_id and then create a new table called $last_id i.e. the value of the last id and put in the other details…
Somehow, I am not able to create this, although the entries are getting registered in the manager table…
Here’s the code for create table:
mysql_query(“CREATE TABLE $last_id
(‘id’ INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ‘author’ VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, ‘text’ TEXT NOT NULL, ‘email’ TEXT NOT NULL, ‘ip’ TEXT NOT NULL, ‘date’ DATE NOT NULL, ‘website’ TEXT) ENGINE = MyISAM;”) or die(“Cannot create post. Database error!”);
Thanks in advance for your help