Sorry for my bad english, I hope you’ll understand me
So, I have table with values:
ожно их вывести по одному (допустим по id, до последнего), и по нажатию той или иной кнопки (в скрине лайк или дислайк) он отбрасывает обратно на ту же страницу, но выводит уже следующего кандидата?
Is there way to output from database by one user in time (example: id) and after pressing the button (in screen like or dislike) it goes to next page where writes this candidate information, student who voted and most important the value (like or dislike).
After the information is written in other database, it returns to the first page but now output the second candidate…
I can’t put screen, but there is simple table with name, surname, faculty and two buttons - like and dislike
Hope you can help me