multiple recipients contact form

When I fill out the form on the first page it submits it to another php file. That php code is below.

When submitted it will send it to:
$recipient="[email protected]";
which is sent to us.
But I also want the customer filling out the form to be copied on it.
It should be sent to something like
which is the email address when the customer types in their own
or could I do something like:
$recipient="[email protected]",$senderEmail;


if($_POST[“submit”]) {
$recipient="[email protected]";
$subject=“Invoice Payment - Credit Card”;

$mailBody="Online Credit Card Payment Details:

           Name: $sender
           Company Name: $companysender
           Email Address: $senderEmail
           Phone Number: $phone
           Address Line 1: $address1
           Address Line 2: $address2
           Invoice 1: $invoice1  -  Amount: $$invoice1amt
           Invoice 2: $invoice2  -  Amount: $$invoice2amt
           Invoice 3: $invoice3  -  Amount: $$invoice3amt
           Invoice 4: $invoice4  -  Amount: $$invoice4amt
           Invoice 5: $invoice5  -  Amount: $$invoice5amt
           Invoice 6: $invoice6  -  Amount: $$invoice6amt
           Invoice 7: $invoice7  -  Amount: $$invoice7amt
           Invoice 8: $invoice8  -  Amount: $$invoice8amt
           Invoice 9: $invoice9  -  Amount: $$invoice9amt
           Invoice 10: $invoice10  -  Amount: $$invoice10amt
           Sub Total: $$stotal
           CC Fee: $$fee
           Grand Total: $$gtotal

mail($recipient, $subject, $mailBody, "From: $sender <$senderEmail>");




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