Mixed Content Error


I recently forced HTTPS on my website, and the pages are now not rendering properly. When running a scan from Why No Padlock, it gave the following error:

A script with an insecure url of “http://www.luxurybeach.com/admin/js/source/jquery-ui/development-bundle/slides.min.jquery.js” was loaded on line: 129 of the landing page
This URL will need to be updated to use a secure URL for your padlock to return.

This file is full of PHP code but cannot understand it. Can anyone help?

I tried to post the code here but was told I cannot send 2 links. There was not 2 links!


No one can help? I am guessing this is a small community as only 1 person has viewed my post

You just need to do what the message stated. Change the http to https in that url in the markup on the page.

The URL cannot be located, because it appears to be dynamically generated. The URL is a .js file and is just code.

Without seeing the code that’s producing the markup for that page, no one on a programming forum can do anything to help.

I can’t paste the code because there is a ridiculous restriction about having 2 links in the post. What relevance is that? In fact it is just code, and there are no links.

You should be able to post the code between bbcode [code][/code] tags. Otherwise, post it on pastebin.com or similar and post the link to the code here.

(function(A){A.fn.slides=function(B){B=A.extend({},A.fn.slides.option,B);return this.each(function(){A("."+B.container,A(this)).children().wrapAll(’

’);var V=A(this),J=A(".slides_control",V),Z=J.children().size(),Q=J.children().outerWidth(),M=J.children().outerHeight(),D=B.start-1,L=B.effect.indexOf(",")<0?B.effect:B.effect.replace(" “,”").split(",")[0],S=B.effect.indexOf(",")<0?L:B.effect.replace(" “,”").split(",")[1],O=0,N=0,C=0,P=0,U,H,I,X,W,T,K,F;function E(c,b,a){if(!H&&U){H=true;B.animationStart(P+1);switch(c){case"next":N=P;O=P+1;O=Z===O?0:O;X=Q2;c=-Q2;P=O;break;case"prev":N=P;O=P-1;O=O===-1?Z-1:O;X=0;c=0;P=O;break;case"pagination":O=parseInt(a,10);N=A("."+B.paginationClass+" li."+B.currentClass+" a",V).attr(“href”).match("[^#/]+$");if(O>N){X=Q2;c=-Q2;}else{X=0;c=0;}P=O;break;}if(b===“fade”){if(B.crossfade){J.children(":eq("+O+")",V).css({zIndex:10}).fadeIn(B.fadeSpeed,B.fad

This is just part of the code because this site won´t accept all of it.

The URL in question is part of a src=’…’ attribute inside a <script …> tag loading a jquery extension.

Can you see the code from Paste Bin?


Can anyone help? I need to find what file has this URL so I can change it to HTTPS.

OK guess I need to try another site

What URL did you enter in the Why No Padlock page? The problem is on line 129 at that URL.


Yep. Line 129 in the markup on that page - <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.luxurybeach.com/admin/js/source/jquery-ui/development-bundle/slides.min.jquery.js"></script> tries to load some javascript using a http url.

If this is your web site, you should know what the default document file(s) can be. It is probably one of - index.htm, index.html, or index.php

Edit: through trial and error, index.php produces that page - https://www.luxurybeach.com/index.php

Edit2: I recommend that you validate the resulting web pages at validator.w3.org That page is outdated and has 161 Errors, 19 warnings.

Thanks for the reply. Yes I see the 161 errors at w3.org. Where do I find the file that is loading an http URL?

Hi again. Still trying to find where to change the URL. Can you help?

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