Locale Settings

hello, how can i change settings for locales? for example i want to put in my php configuration file a code to change int_frac_digits and frac_digits. Do you know how?


There’s a function called setlocale() that may be what you are looking for. The function goes like this:

[php]string setlocale ( int $category , string $locale [, string $… ] )[/php]

http://php.net/manual/en/function.setlocale.php gives you more information about the function. Now, for a little extra, if you want to change something in your php.ini file, you would use the ini_set() function which goes like this:

[php]string ini_set ( string $varname , string $newvalue )[/php]

http://php.net/manual/en/function.ini-set.php give you more information about the function. Basically it sets the value of the given configuration option. The configuration option will keep this new value during the script’s execution, and will be restored at the script’s ending.

I hope I’ve been able to assist you with your issues.


Hope this helps!

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