Links on web page problem

I am having problems with the links on my webpage. It uses .htaccess at the beginning:

[code]Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine off
RewriteBase /

ErrorDocument 404 /index.php?page=404
ErrorDocument 403 /index.php?page=403

RewriteRule ^$ /index.php
RewriteRule ^about/$ /index.php?page=about
RewriteRule ^oilfield/$ /index.php?page=oilfield
RewriteRule ^pipeline//$ /index.php?page=pipeline
RewriteRule ^safety/$ /index.php?page=safety
RewriteRule ^sales/$ /index.php?page=sales
RewriteRule ^contact/$ /index.php?page=contact
RewriteRule ^stateLicensures/$ /index.php?page=stateLicensures
RewriteRule ^keyPersonnel/$ /index.php?page=keyPersonnel
RewriteRule ^projectListings/$ /index.php?page=projectListings
RewriteRule ^legal/$ /index.php?page=legal
RewriteRule ^techDivision/$ /index.php?page=techDivision

RewriteRule ^equipment/$ /index.php?page=equipment
RewriteRule ^projectImages/$ /index.php?page=projectImages
RewriteRule ^contact/(.*)/$ /index.php?page=contact&contactName=$1

and then it uses two PHP coding programs to display the selected page:

[php]<?php include("includes/vars.php"); ?>

Welcome to Duphil, Inc.
  	<?php include("includes/top.php"); 
include("includes/pages/" . $page . ".php");
include("includes/bottom.php"); ?>		
[/php] [php]<?php $page = $_GET['page']; $contactName = $_GET['contactName']; $contactName = str_replace("-"," ",$contactName);

if ($page == “”) {
$page = “index”;
else if ($page == “contact”) {
$hideContact = true;
else if ($page == “pipeline”) {
$whichPage = pipeline;

//Determines which link is active and apply an appropriate class identifier
function chkPage($whichPage) {
global $page;
global $linkActive;
if ($whichPage == $page) {
if ($whichPage == “employees”||$whichPage == “legal”){
return “active”;
return " class=“active”";

$topLinks = “<li” . chkPage("") . “><a href=”/">Home Page\n";
$topLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“pipeline”) . “><a href=”/pipeline/">Pipeline Services\n";
$topLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“oilfield”) . “><a href=”/oilfield/">Oilfield Services\n";
$topLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“safety”) . “><a href=”/safety/">Safety & HR\n";
$topLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“sales”) . “><a href=”/sales/">Sales & Marketing\n";
$topLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“contact”) . “><a href=”/contact/">Contact Us\n";
$topLinks .= “<li class=“last " . chkPage(“employees”) . “”><a href=”/employees/”>Employees Area\n";

$additionalLinks = “<li” . chkPage(“techDivision”) . “><a href=”/techDivision/">Technical Division\n";
$additionalLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“stateLicensures”) . “><a href=”/stateLicensures/">State Licensures\n";
$additionalLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“keyPersonnel”) . “><a href=”/keyPersonnel/">Key Personnel\n";
$additionalLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“projectListings”) . “><a href=”/projectListings/">Project Listings\n";
$additionalLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“equipment”) . “><a href=”/equipment/">Equipment Owned\n";
$additionalLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“projectImages”) . “><a href=”/projectImages/">Project Images\n";
$additionalLinks .= “<li class=“last " . chkPage(“legal”) . “”><a href=”/legal/”>Legal Disclaimer\n";

$bottomLinks = “<li” . chkPage(“techDivision”) . “><a href=”/techDivision/">Technical Division\n";
$bottomLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“stateLicensures”) . “><a href=”/stateLicensures/">State Licensures\n";
$bottomLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“keyPersonnel”) . “><a href=”/keyPersonnel/">Key Personnel\n";
$bottomLinks .= “<li” . chkPage(“projectListings”) . “><a href=”/projectListings/">Project Listings\n";
$bottomLinks .= “<li class=“last " . chkPage(“legal”) . “”><a href=”/legal/”>Legal Disclaimer\n";

The first time the web page comes up everything is fine but when I click on a link the next web page displays everything except the selected part that deals with the link. It has the 404 error. When I look at the view source for the web page on the old server it shows for example:

  • Pipeline Services
  • On the web page on the new server the "class = “active” part of that line is missing. Can I get some help on solving this problem. Thanks.

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